




App Directories And Data
Hello everyone, I hope you’ll all bear with me as I get up to speed. My background is in Unix, procedural languages, mission critical databases and enterprise applications. I’ve just started heading a team with an iOS app used in healthcare that contains confidential patient information (PHI) that's governed by HIPAA and FDA cybersecurity, etc. It seems there’s some contention in the team over whether the app, SQLite db, and medical images belong in the Documents or an Application Support directory in the Library. From everything I’ve read, it seems that Apple’s intent is Library/Application Support. Two questions: Which is the correct location? And hopefully, a few compelling justifications. On one of our iPads, the app stopped displaying what was two years of data in SQLite. I haven’t yet tested for index corruption, however one of the programmers believes this resulted from an iOS update that needed space and cleared data in the cache (but that makes no sense to myself). Feedback highly appreciated. Many thanks, David Why, because somebody has to
Dec ’24