Which WiFi? Of the computer or the watch?
@eskimo for deployment: Would you happen to know the minimum iOS version we can rely on this behavior being fixed?
It looks like only a handful of PSM ids are allowed. Try 129, for a start.
I assume a copy‘n‘paste error here.
Only by requesting (and then code signing) with the said entitlement. I'm waiting for mine since 5 days now.
You do have the entitlement? If so, it should still work on iOS 16. The simulator uses the macOS network infrastructure which – thankfully – does not implement that (censored) broadcast restriction, so it's not surprising that it works there.
And let me note here that I have to use URLSession, I'm not feeling like implementing my own URLSession using NWNetwork…
I‘m not the original poster, but I have the same need. Background here: I‘m talking to a car‘s central ECU gateway via (wired) ethernet. This device picks a random IP un the 169.254.x.x network. I learn about its IP by sending a UDP broadcast to said network. Now I do not want to burden the user with configuring his wired ethernet on the iPhone to this very address and netmask, so I‘d like to do it programmatically. Is there any way these days?
This link no longer works after the recent, uhm, forum "improvements" cough. I'm stumbling over a similar problem… could you please advise?