




Wrong Team ID on Certificate problem.
Hello, first of all thanks for reading my post. I am having a trouble about Signing & Capabilities part on Xcode during few days. Hope someone knows how to deal with this. I created a Apple Development certificate with CSR on my MacOS through KeyChain but the Team ID(VC78G4S77J) on this certificate is different with my real Team ID(FYF9AT8ZA8) logged in. I don't even know where this 'VC78G4S77J' came from. Also I created the identifier, bundle ID, device and profile but they were all created with 'FYF9AT8ZA8'. So here is the problem. On Xcode Signing & Capabilities section, I selected Team and put Bundle Identifier connected with 'FYF9AT8ZA8' but Signing Certificate is shown as 'Apple Development: My ID (VC78G4S77J). Therefore when I build iOS simulator on Xcode or VScode, there is error 'No signing certificate "iOS Development" found: No "iOS Development" signing certificate matching team ID "FYF9AT8ZA8" with a private key was found.' If I try turn off 'Automatically manage signing' and select provisioning profile I created, Xcode said my profile does not include VC78G4S77J certificate, because my profile has FYF9AT8ZA8 certificate. Importing profile file is not helpful also. I think, first delete the all VC78G4S77J certificate in KeyChain and recreate FYF9AT8ZA8 certificate through KeyChain/CSR, however again VC78G4S77J certicate was created when I created on ''. I truly have no idea where did VC78G4S77J come from. Please let me solve this issue.. Warm regards.
Jan ’25