




Reply to macOS API for hardware model name?
"Apple will update its series of "Identify your ..." support articles once the devices ship. Those will provide Apple's official names, model identifiers, tech support links, etc." This is what it says: "MacBook Pro (14-inch, 2024) in Silver and Space Black. This model has the M4 Pro or M4 Max chip and includes three Thunderbolt 4 ports. Model Identifier: Mac16,6, Mac16,8" That doesn't say which model is which? How do I distinguish between a Mac16,6 and a Mac16,8? First of all, never use the "Comments" feature. All that does is hide your reply. Why do you need to differentiate? In your original question, you wanted to know the marketing name - i.e. "MacBook Air (13-inch, M2, 2022)". Either of those model identifiers maps to the same marketing name. If are now saying that you want to be able to lookup detailed, specific model information, then I'm afraid you're out of luck.All of that is proprietary. Technically, even the model identifier is proprietary. Apple is just kind enough to make it relatively unique and an n-to-1 mapping. This wasn't always true. If you look through the models on that page, you'll see that all of them come in multiple colours, but only some have different chips. Only those with different chips have different model numbers. That's the correlation maybe? You may be able to get the specific chip elsewhere, like sysctl or similar. But again, this is someone else's products, in someone else's database, using someone else's identifiers. None of this is what Apple considers "API" and therefore officially useable by 3rd party developers. Even those things that are "API" can, and will, be changed on a regular basis. Wouldn't you rather write a nice iOS game instead?
Reply to Apple app rejection due to Guideline 3.2.1(viii)
Additionally, I went to both and websites. says nothing about "Lendable" and clearly says it is separate company. That alone appears to be the practice that this policy was designed to prevent. The site does say that it's a trading name of Lendable, albeit with a copyright of "Zable". I don't know if that disclaimer is sufficient to satisfy Apple's policy for this site. Maybe you should partake of Apple's one-on-one App Store consultation?
Reply to BSD socket APIs and macOS entitlements
Anything involving local network restrictions should be easy to debug. Construct a program that fails. Then try it on a non-local connection. If it consistently works there and fails locally, then you've definitively confirmed that it's related to local networking. However, there were more changes in macOS 15 than just local networking. There are two big issues that end users encounter. Firstly, macOS 15 adds a new feature called "Private WiFi address" and defaults it to "rotating". As someone who sometimes does interesting networking myself, I immediately changed that to "fixed". This is not my problem to deal with. You can also change this setting to "fixed" and see if that eliminates the problem. Most people encountering problems are willing to change this setting to "fixed". Next, macOS 15 mades some low-level networking changes that broke many VPNs and network filtering apps, including Apple's own Application firewall. It turns out that most people really don't understand networking and believed that the Application firewall was a required security layer. Typically those folks added additional 3rd party filters and VPNs on top of that. From a technical perspective, this one is easy to solve too. Just don't do any of that. From a social perspective, this is much more difficult. You won't convince anyone that the Application firewall isn't doing anything more than protecting their Mac from hacking attempts from their printer. It would be a good idea to double-check this just to confirm that this isn't where your problem lies. If so, you've avoiding a major problem. There may be technical ways to solve the firewall problem. I encountered this a little bit back when I used to use libcurl. For that kind of low-level networking, you may have to perform some unusual operations in the presence of these kinds of exotic networking configurations. Those basic operations with sockets simply may not be viable anymore. Any connection may involve significantly more effort to deal with all the different hoops that these network modifications will have put in your path. It may have worked just fine before, but it doesn't anymore. From an OpenJDK perspective, you have to support a much wider range of networking operations. I'm sure you can't just require Private WiFi address to be fixed and you can't assume no networking filters. But I still think it's important to look at these settings to confirm or discount that they are involved with the problems you are having. That will give you important clues about where you need to look for solutions.
Reply to BSD socket APIs and macOS entitlements
No correction necessary. That's all correct. Something complicated like the JDK would likely need entitlements for the hardened runtime if notarization was desired. But you're starting to get into obscure technical details here. Why do you care about the JDK anyway? For the vast majority of Mac apps, the Mac App Store sandbox is all you ever need to worry about. For all practical purposes, you don't have to worry about anything more complicated than the sandbox unless you have guaranteed external funding - and a lot of it - for some very specific end users. Look at it this way, if you are considering this JDK-based app for someone that you don't already know by name, you are in deep, deep trouble.
Reply to Phonep,e wrong transaction refund money's
There is no way that Apple could possibly employ someone who reads that obviously-spam message and thinks, "this needs to be on the Apple Support forum". No, impossible. I'm sure they don't think that. But the Apple Support Community has better staffing to handle these kinds of issues. The developer forum might not even be able to ban a user. My cyberstalker still seems to be able to post after many abuse reports. They can delete posts, but for whatever reason, that's extremely rare. The only post I've ever seen deleted was posted by an Apple employee who said something they shouldn't have.
Reply to Gate Keeper Issue
An EtreCheck report tells that my app is not signed, while codesign -dv /Applications/***.app returns a valid signature. I'm lost... EtreCheck isn't designed to be used with developer builds of apps. It only considers Developer ID and App Store builds as valid. You should consider spctl the authoritative result. Years ago, I used to use codesign more and I would test a Developer ID build with "codesign -vv -R="anchor apple generic" /path/to/app". However, you also mentioned TestFlight. I've never used TestFlight, but isn't that an App Store thing? So are you doing developer-signed builds? EtreCheck has no idea about that. Never attempt to disable Gatekeeper on your developer machine. That would be a bad idea. Thankfully, Apple recently added an extra hoop to jump through that saved you. I'm sure your Sequoia install is fine. It's the app that's corrupt. I was confused at first when you were talking about Monterey and App Store. You need at least Ventura/Xcode 15 for App Store submissions. I guess you are using Sequoia only to submit? I think you're just hitting some odd edge case on Monterey. My recommendation is to build and debug on the oldest supported configuration. As of right now, that's Ventura/Xcode 15, but that could change any day now. Then test on any other supported OS versions, heavily favouring Sequoia and Sonoma. There is one developer feature in EtreCheck. Look at EtreCheck's "Operating System Adoption over Time" page in "Insights". Sequoia is 66% of installations. Monterey is still holding on at 9.1%. Anything before Monterey is a waste of your time unless you have a very specific user base. If you post more details about your app, then maybe someone could see what's wrong with it. Maybe disable any DRM and build a notarized Developer ID version and fully test that in a VM. Make sure to actually download it from somewhere so you get the correct quarantine flags.
Reply to Potential Issue Identified in Apple Documentation
And another thing. Don't use the "Comments" feature here in the forums. At first I thought it was just a good way to get your post missed and ignored. But now I see another, much more serious bug. I see a label saying "2 comments" under my reply but only one comment is shown when I click on it. If you really did make 2 comments, one has been lost for good. If you don't adjust your expectations, you're setting yourself up for some serious disappointment.
Reply to A symbol on Apple Maps, how can I show it in MapKit
Apple Maps appears to show the road closed symbol automatically, yet when I use the code above, it doesn't show the symbol, just the live reporting that changes the color to that dark red. I'd like my project to show these road closed symbols as well... if I could figure out what they are called. They're called Annotations. But the important part here is that Apple Maps is not MapKit. You actually don't get the live reporting of road conditions. What you get is a base layer that just happens to be updated in response to those conditions. You could look for a 3rd party service. Just be sure to carefully review the terms and conditions to ensure you could use it with MapKit. Some services can only be used with mapping services from the save provider. If you are only interested in a small area, then you might be able to pull data directly from a local or regional government traffic ministry.