




Reply to AppStore submission for Ruby/Glimmer app on MacOS without Xcode
The easiest solution is to setup a demo Xcode app with the same name and bundleID and see how Xcode does it. Deviate at your peril. If you're trying to roll your own app, I recommend consulting all of the existing documentation first. A good place to start would be --deep Considered Harmful Also, Apple now requires Xcode 15 for App Store submissions. See this news post.. So even if you aren't building and submitting with Xcode 15, you would want to use Xcode 15 to build that demo template app. Xcode 15 does work on Ventura. However, that update was over a year ago now. Apple could change this requirement "any day now". You should really be testing on a pristine system that has never seen Xcode or your app before. You may be able to use a VM for this.
Reply to How Can I Apply A vImage ContrastStretch To A Grayscale Image
I will take a look at Metal. I'm not really doing much image processing in the app. I just want to show a stretched version of the last image taken by my camera. Most of the app deals with controlling all the equipment at the observatory and setting up the automated imaging runs. I don't recommend using the comment feature. I almost missed your reply. If your images will fit into RAM, maybe look at CIImage. It's kind of the best of both worlds. You can more easily get data into it and out. You can define your own Metal-based stretch filter really easily. And there are a ton of built-in filters, including histograms, that might already do what you want.
Reply to How Can I Apply A vImage ContrastStretch To A Grayscale Image
I don't know anything about Accelerate, other than it looks really difficult and isn't all that accelerated. The documentation for vImage_Buffer provides several links to long-format descriptions that are more tutorials than examples. Look at: WWDC 2018 session 701 Using Accelerate and simd WWDC 2019 session 718 Introducing Accelerate for Swift WWDC 2014 session 703 What's new in the Accelerate Framework WWDC 2013 session 713 The Accelerate Framework There are some example that use these functions in: WWDC 2020 Creating a game with scene understanding WWDC 2018 Halftone descreening with 2D fast Fourier transform WWDC 2018 Realtime video effects with vImage WWDC 2013 Running with a snap WWDC 2013 UIImageEffects (sorry, can't find links for these last ones) I'm currently working on a very similar app. I'm doing all this directly in Metal. For me, it seems more straightforward and more efficient. Be careful using high-level APIs like CGImage, UIImage, and CIImage. It's fine for small images and getting things up and running. But for this domain in particular, these APIs don't scale with the size of the images. Tiling is hard.
Reply to Is Darwin Notification Fast Enough for Real-Time Communication Between XPC Clients and Browser Extension?
Don't forget about long-polling. You poll ever 5 seconds or so, but delay the response for up to 5 seconds. If an event occurs, send a response immediately. If no event occurs, reply with a no-result value after 5 seconds. Worse case condition is an event occurring right at the timeout/reconnect point. The very next long poll will return immediately, but there will be a slight delay. Apple doesn't make real-time platforms. It's better to think in terms of how fast is fast enough and how much effort you are expending to get there.
Reply to how long does it take to get apple developer account approved?
They promise 2 days That's just boilerplate on any Apple e-mail. It's never 2 days. Here I am, literally trying to give them my money How is it possible for a trillion-dollar company to make something as simple as accepting payment so infuriatingly difficult? I'm sure it has nothing to do with accepting your payment. Apple's got that down. The problem is giving you access to Apple's app installation infrastructure and Apple's 1+ billion user base. Apple doesn't need your $99. But Apple does want to protect that user base. Scams and frauds are epidemics these days and Apple is target #1 in the world. I've tried everything - even set up a whole separate account That probably didn't help.
Reply to I have a bone to pick with Xcode
Despite Xcode being the one and most used IDE for iOS, it is far from perfect No one ever said it was. People use Xcode to write apps for Apple's market, not because they like Xcode. I have used many tools in my career Perhaps that's the problem. Xcode is currently at version 16.2, and even that's not true. The original Project Builder app was 22 years old before it was discontinued. There's a whole lot of history and legacy that you seem to have missed. Slow debugger: not sure what bloat Xcode has or what it is doing, but sometimes it can take more than 10 seconds from breakpoint firing to actually see values. Try using print statements instead. In many cases, especially UI-related, breakpoint debugging simply isn't possible. There are far too many event loop iterations that happen in normal behaviour. Find usages: Have you tried "show callers"? That seems to be the equivalent functionality. Visual debugger: debugging SwiftUI with visual debugger is in 90% useless task and waste of time. Many of your complaints seem focused on SwiftUI. That's a delicate topic. I recommend focusing on why you're using Xcode in the first place. Because you love Xcode and SwiftUI? Or because you want access the market? Just because Apple publishes and pushes a given tool or framework, doesn't mean you have to use it. I have 64GB of RAM and sometimes it seems it is not enough My primary computer has 32GB of RAM and my test rig only has 16 GB. Both have no problem with Xcode. But then, the 32GB still runs Ventura and I gave up on SwiftUI a long time ago. Compiling SwiftUI previews and getting them to work. NIGHTMARE! Yeah. That was maybe the first thing I dumped when trying to use SwiftUI. I do not get it. first make SwiftUI framework, and then neglect all tools to make it easier and faster to use? I would understand some company with budget problems, but Apple??? Apple runs a very tight and lean ship. The teams behind the features, frameworks, and apps are much, much smaller than you might imagine. Why did IntelliJ managed to make better IDE in less time and even make it more expandable with extensions? Their developer and user market share is a tiny fraction of Apple's. With better tools you will get more developers and with that more apps Apple has many more developers and apps than it needs.
Reply to Unable to Update Quebec QST Number in FP-2506-V Form – No Response from Apple Support
I have experienced similar problems. I don't know of any way to escalate. You just have to wait. Why do you need to update the number? These systems are all setup for automated processing. You have to try really hard to make sure all data is valid and will remain valid forever. Even if it looks like there's an automated update system, it may be much less automated than it appears. Any time you fall out of the automated process and need manual intervention, you are going to have to wait. The wait times you've described so far sound like what I would expect.
Jan ’25
Reply to How is an iOS app on the App Store able to detect other apps?!?!
Apparently, all you need to do is ask them. See: www macobserver com/news/anti-spying-tool-spybuster-arrives-to-ios-thanks-to-ukrainian-developer-macpaw/ and www igen fr/app-store/2022/07/spybuster-detecte-les-applications-de-votre-iphone-en-lien-avec-la-russie-131429 (I guess the forum doesn't like those external links.) But apparently, there is a way to do it via StoreKit and it is allowed as per the Guidelines: don’t collect information about which other apps are installed on a user’s device for the purposes of analytics or advertising/marketing So I guess if you're doing it for any other reason, you're good to go.
Jan ’25
Reply to How does SpyBuster scan my iOS apps?
Apparently, all you need to do is ask them. See: www macobserver com/news/anti-spying-tool-spybuster-arrives-to-ios-thanks-to-ukrainian-developer-macpaw/ and www igen fr/app-store/2022/07/spybuster-detecte-les-applications-de-votre-iphone-en-lien-avec-la-russie-131429 (I guess the forum doesn't like those external links.) But apparently, there is a way to do it via StoreKit and it is allowed as per the Guidelines: don’t collect information about which other apps are installed on a user’s device for the purposes of analytics or advertising/marketing So I guess if you're doing it for any other reason, you're good to go.
Jan ’25