




Is Core Data the right tool?
My app generates piecemeal near terabyte data distributed over one hundred files. Due to RAM and internal HD limitations I must store to an external HD in piecemeal fashion. That is to say, append fresh records directly to an existing file without reading-in the whole file, appending, and writing it out again. Ultimately (when data generation ceases) I will check each file to ensure uniqueness of member data structures. Is Core Data the tool I should use? If not, how do I append directly to disk-files without first reading it in?
May ’22
EnvironmentObject as progressValue in ProgressView()
The model increments through a range of dates converted to Double and scaled, ranging from 0 to 1.0 I wish to show a determinate progress bar. As I understand it, the ProgressView() must be declared in the ContentView and its progress var must be declared as a @State var The ContentView declares the model vars as @EnvironmentObjects If I declare: @State private var = model.progressValue I get the error:"Cannot use instance member 'model' within property initializer; property initializers run before 'self' is available" btw the model class declares: @Published var progressValue : Double The model func (to increment through dates) is launched by a button in the ContentView. idk how to get the incremented progressValue from the model to the ContentView State var.
Feb ’22
format printed SIMD3's
I print a lot of SIMD3 vectors to the debugger area in Xcode. Some vector-elements have prefixed signs and some values are longer than others. I would like the printed vectors to align as they did in my old days of Fortran. The SIMD3 members are scalars which can't be cast as Double ( I know how to format output for Double) or even as NSNumber. Something akin to a NumberFormatter for vectors would be the objective, but I don't see how to do it. Scalars are wierd and (helpful) documentation sparse.
Jan ’22
Warning about truncatingRemainder
it may not deliver what you expect. For example: if you are using NASA/JPL/Standish equations of heliocentric planetary motion, it requires: "3. Modulus the mean anomaly (M) so that -180deg<=M<=+180deg and then obtain the eccentric anomaly, E, from the solution of Kepler's equation..." If you attempt to use the Swift "Modulo operator, %" you'll get the Xcode directive to use truncatingRemainder instead. Which IS better than % because of this note in "The Swift Programming Language (Swift 5.3)": "“NOTE The remainder operator (%) is also known as a modulo operator in other languages. However, its behavior in Swift for negative numbers means that, strictly speaking, it’s a remainder rather than a modulo operation.” Excerpt From The Swift Programming Language (Swift 5.3) Apple Inc. This material may be protected by copyright. But you should try truncatingRemainder in your playground! Let: 0deg = 12 O'clock, 180/-180deg = 6 O'clock, -90deg = 9 O'clock and +90deg = 3 O'clock Now run this on your playground: let M = -181.25 var M180 = M while M180 > 180.0 { M180 -= 360.0 } while M180 < -180.0 { M180 += 360.0 } print("M = \(M)\t\tM180 = \(M180)\t\tM.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 180.0) = \(M.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 180.0))\t\tM.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 360.0) = \(M.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 360.0))") and you'll get this result: M = -181.25        M180 = 178.75 M.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 180.0) = -1.25 M.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 360.0) = -181.25 Thus, truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 180.0) puts your planet 180deg away from where it should be, while M180 keeps the planets moving without quantum leaps.
Jan ’22
Delegation in Swift
This is the second issue in my post "ProgressBar with DispatchQueue", delegation. I have used delegates with menu items but not program vars. In the previous post my ViewController has a progress bar but I would like the progress.DoubleValue var to be updated in a remote function, i.e., a function not declared within the ViewController class. (If I moved the function into the ViewController it would double in size.) How do I create and implement such a delegate? Please give example code. Thanks.
Nov ’21
ProgressBar with DispatchQueue
I have searched but cannot find an example of this. In my example I use playground to nest for-loops in a function called from within DispatchQueue. I find many roadblocks: //import AppKit // playground doesn't recognize AppKit?! import Dispatch import Foundation var comboCount:NSKeyValueObservation? //class viewContr: NSViewController { @IBOutlet weak var progressBar: NSProgressIndicator! // deinit { comboCount?.invalidate() } @IBAction func calcStuff() { .userInitiated).async { let combos = possibleCombos() DispatchQueue.main.async { for word in combos { word.print0b8() } } } } //} func possibleCombos() -> [Int8] { var combos = [Int8]() for a in [0, 1] { for b in [0, 1] { for c in [0, 1] { for d in [0, 1] { combos.append(Int8(d | (c << 1) | (b << 2) | (a << 3)) ) comboCount = combos.count/16 as! NSKeyValueObservation // known total combos = 16 // How do I pass combos.count out to a progress bar? } } } } return combos } extension Int8 {func print0b8() {print("0b" + pad(string: String(self, radix: 2), toSize: 4))}} func pad(string : String, toSize: Int) -> String {var padded = string;for _ in 0..<(toSize - string.count) {padded = "0" + padded};return padded} Removing the @IB obstacles and the attempted declaration of a ViewController does produce output, but can't be used with a progress bar, e.g., import Dispatch import Foundation .userInitiated).async { let combos = possibleCombos() DispatchQueue.main.async { for word in combos { word.print0b8() } } } func possibleCombos() -> [Int8] { var combos = [Int8]() for a in [0, 1] { for b in [0, 1] { for c in [0, 1] { for d in [0, 1] { combos.append(Int8(d | (c << 1) | (b << 2) | (a << 3)) ) // known total combos = 16 // How do I pass combos.count out to a progress bar? } } } } return combos } extension Int8 {func print0b8() {print("0b" + pad(string: String(self, radix: 2), toSize: 4))}} func pad(string : String, toSize: Int) -> String {var padded = string;for _ in 0..<(toSize - string.count) {padded = "0" + padded};return padded} In my actual App, i.e., not this playground, I have a ProgressBar in my storyboard and an IBoutlet declared in my view controller. I just can't find how to pass a value out of "possibleCombos()" and into the NSProgressIndicator. What I have read suggests a delegate but reading about delegates hasn't helped. I need an example. Thanks.
Nov ’21
Missing Fundamental something
Code to draw a graph of data. Each abscissa has an ordinate range to be displayed as a line segment. All data, i.e., scaled points are verified to be within the declared analysisView.bounds. strokeColors are verified within the range 0..1 BTW, no I don't need animation for this static data, but CALayer seemed to require more coding, and I found fewer code examples for it. The code below has two problems: 1) it doesn't draw into the window the weird behavior of min/max The first is why I am posting. What am I missing? import AppKit class AnalysisViewController: NSViewController { @IBOutlet var analysisView: NSView! var ranges = [ClosedRange<Double>]() var ordinateMinimum = CGFloat() var ordinateMaximum = CGFloat() var ordinateScale = CGFloat() let abscissaMinimum:CGFloat = 1 let abscissaMaximum:CGFloat = 92 let abscissaScale :CGFloat = 800/92 let shapeLayer = CAShapeLayer() var points = [CGPoint]() // created just to verify (in debugger area) that points are within analysisView.bounds func genrateGraph() { // ranges.append(0...0) // inexplicably FAILS! @ ordinateMinimum/ordinateMaximum if replaces "if N == 1" below // ranges.append(0.1...0.1) // non-zero range does not fail but becomes the min or max, therefore, not useful for N in 1...92 { if let element = loadFromJSON(N) { if N == 1 { ranges.append( element.someFunction() ) } // ranges[0] is an unused placeholder // if N == 1 { ranges.append(0...0) } // inexplicably FAILS! @ ordinateMinimum/ordinateMaximum if replacing above line ranges.append( element.someFunction() ) } else { ranges.append(0...0) } // some elements have no range data } ordinateMinimum = CGFloat(ranges.min(by: {$0 != 0...0 && $1 != 0...0 && $0.lowerBound < $1.lowerBound})!.lowerBound) ordinateMaximum = CGFloat(ranges.max(by: {$0 != 0...0 && $1 != 0...0 && $0.upperBound < $1.upperBound})!.upperBound) ordinateScale = analysisView.frame.height/(ordinateMaximum - ordinateMinimum) for range in 1..<ranges.count { shapeLayer.addSublayer(CALayer()) // sublayer each abscissa range so that .strokeColor can be assigned to each // shapeLayer.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: analysisView.frame.width, height: analysisView.frame.height) // might be unneccessary let path = CGMutablePath() // a new path for every sublayer, i.e., range that is displayed as line segment points.append(CGPoint(x: CGFloat(range)*abscissaScale, y: CGFloat(ranges[range].lowerBound)*ordinateScale)) path.move(to: points.last! ) points.append(CGPoint(x: CGFloat(range)*abscissaScale, y: CGFloat(ranges[range].upperBound)*ordinateScale)) path.addLine(to: points.last! ) path.closeSubpath() shapeLayer.path = path // shapeLayer.strokeColor = CGColor.white let r:CGFloat = 1.0/CGFloat(range) let g:CGFloat = 0.3/CGFloat(range) let b:CGFloat = 0.7/CGFloat(range) // print("range: \(range)\tr: \(r)\tg: \(g)\tb: \(b)") // just to verify 0...1 values shapeLayer.strokeColor = CGColor(srgbRed: r, green: g, blue: b, alpha: 1.0) } } override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() view.wantsLayer = true // one of these (view or analysisView) must be unneccessary view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 840, height: 640) analysisView.wantsLayer = true analysisView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 840, height: 640) genrateGraph() } }
Oct ’21
NSOpenPanel not closing after OK button
I launch the following runSavePanel() from, e.g., @IBAction func JSONall(_ sender: NSButton) {         if !nsPanelActivatedThisSessionForSandbox {         nsPanelActivatedThisSessionForSandbox = true runSavePanel() } ... } where var nsPanelActivatedThisSessionForSandbox = false is declared as a global in the AppDelegate.swift file and is intended to prevent repeated user prompting as the program creates many files but needs sandbox acknowledgment at least once. The problem behavior is that upon clicking the OK button, the app merrily creates the files in the chosen directory but the modal window stays open until the app is done creating files (around ten minutes). Here is my runSavePanel() and its (empty) delegate:     func runSavePanel() {         let defaults = UserDefaults.standard         let savePanel = NSSavePanel()         savePanel.canCreateDirectories     = true         savePanel.canSelectHiddenExtension = false         savePanel.showsHiddenFiles         = false         //        savePanel.allowedFileTypes         = ["JSON", "csv"]                            //  deprecated         savePanel.directoryURL             = defaults.url(forKey: "fileDirectoryPref")         let delegate = OpenSavePanelDelegate()      //  cannot consolidate with next line         savePanel.delegate = delegate         let result = savePanel.runModal()         if result == NSApplication.ModalResponse.OK {             if savePanel.url != nil {                 do {                     try savePanel.delegate!.panel!(savePanel, validate: savePanel.url!)                     defaults.set(savePanel.url, forKey: "fileDirectoryPref")                     //        defaults.set(savePanel.url, forKey: "NSNavLastRootDirectory")   //  does not write                 } catch {                     print("\(result) ViewController Structures.swift:739 runSavePanel()")                 }             }         }     }          class OpenSavePanelDelegate: NSObject, NSOpenSavePanelDelegate {         func panel(_ sender: Any, validate url: URL) throws {             /*  In Swift, this method returns Void and is marked with the throws keyword to indicate that it throws an error in cases of failure.              You call this method in a try expression and handle any errors in the catch clauses of a do statement, as described in Error Handling in The Swift Programming Language and About Imported Cocoa Error Parameters.              */ //            throw CustomError.InvalidSelection         }     }      //    enum CustomError: LocalizedError { //        case InvalidSelection // //        var errorDescription: String? { //            get { //                return "\(CustomError.InvalidSelection)" //            } //        } //    } Idk how to stop the double spacing when pasting my code. Sorry. The delegate is a requirement but I don't know how to configure it. The app doesn't generate errors... or at least it allows the desired output. Is the delegate supposed to terminate the modal window somehow?
Sep ’21
Who's on top? Swift, nonSwiftUI
My SceneView hides part of my NSStackView's TextFields. I don't see anything in the inspector for the z dimension. How can I ensure the StackView is on top, i.e., wholly visible? I don't want to shove views around to "fit them in". They must overlap. Indeed, I may wish to have all TextFields, etc. overlay the SceneView in the future, but that's a different subject. I know this would be easy in SwiftUI, but...
Aug ’21
Integrate Metal/ObjC Tutorial into SwiftUI
I have modified Apple's Tutorial "CPU-GPU-Synchronization.xcodeproj" to suit my needs but cannot see how to launch it, e.g., as a sheet, from a Button inside a SwiftUI App. I found this: "" which establishes the Coordinater wrapper, device and CommandQueue, etc., but how do I "replace?" those already established in ObjC code? For example, ObjC does not recognize SwiftUI struct's and I can't @objc preface a SwiftUI struct as I can a SwiftUI class(ref. the above thread). Alternatively, is this the best venue to ask Apple to update/integrate their tutorials? Thanks.
Mar ’21
EnvironmentObject update timeliness
My ContentView has an @EnvironmentObject and a few @State var's. The State vars are for use in TextFields, one can use a Picker or manual entry, and works fine. The other State var is to have its value set when the user hits a Button whose action executes a host of functions that changes the values of over twenty @Published vars monitored/updated by the @EnvironmentObject vis-a-vis Combine. This TexField must also be manually set/edited when desired. Within that same Button(action:{}) the next line of code attempts to set a State var to the value of the Published EnvironmentObject that had been changed by all those functions in the previous line. The problem is: the EnvironmentObject is not updated by the time this line of code is executed. Such that the Button must be pressed twice for the result to change the TextField. I have scoured the web and did not find, or did not understand, what is amiss. I have successfully used .id(UUID()) on Views to ensure updates, but this issue is within a Button/action and I wouldn't know how to implement it here as TextField is a struct, and I can't implement a inside the Button. So far as I know. Thanks.
Mar ’21
SwiftUI SceneKit populated but not displayed
I am porting a functioning Swift App to SwiftUI with the ambitious intention of Multiple platform coding, so the project was created as such. I've worked out every issue except as the title suggests. My pertinent code: import SwiftUI import SceneKit struct ContentView: View { var scene : SCNScene = SCNScene = { () -> SCNScene in          //  DO NOT REPLACE OR MODIFY THE FIRST AND LAST LINES OF THIS VAR DECLARATION, e.g., "var scene:SCNScene{ ... }"  else initScene(newScene) FAILS to create children! let newScene = SCNScene() initScene(newScene)                            //  adds ChildNodes named: "precession" & "nuclearSpin" let newCamera = SCNNode() newCamera.position = SCNVector3(x: 0, y: 0 ,z: 40) = "cameraNode" = SCNCamera() newScene.rootNode.addChildNode(newCamera) 10. newScene.fogDensityExponent = 0.0 return newScene }() @EnvironmentObject var structures:Structures @State private var Ncv = Int() @State private var indexMomentcv = Int() var body: some View { ZStack{ 20. SceneView( 21. scene: scene, 22. pointOfView: scene.rootNode.childNode(withName: "cameraNode", recursively: false), 23. options: [.allowsCameraControl, .autoenablesDefaultLighting, .temporalAntialiasingEnabled] 24. ).colorInvert() 25.             VStack(alignment: .trailing){ 26.                 Group{ 27.                     HStack{ 28.                         VStack{ // ... and so on 29. I have verified the existence of all nodes created for the scene, i.e., the objects to be seen, using these useful functions: func printChildNodeHierarchy(node: SCNNode) { node.enumerateChildNodes( { (anyNode,false) -> Void in return print( anyNode ) } ) }  //  SUPER handy func printChildNodeTransform(node: SCNNode) { node.enumerateChildNodes( { (anyNode,false) -> Void in return print(!,"\t", anyNode.simdTransform,"\t",anyNode.scale ) } ) } func printChildNodeAction   (node: SCNNode) { node.enumerateChildNodes( { (anyNode,false) -> Void in return print(!,"\t", anyNode.hasActions,"\t",anyNode.actionKeys ) } ) } ...which print in the debugging area. I have verified the materials assignments to the elements of those nodes. So, everything is in place as in the functioning Swift/macOS App but I just don't see the objects. What I've tried: Since I run in DarkMode theme I have cycled through the combinations of Dark/Light and with/without line 24's .colorInvert() and swapping ZStack with HStack. Some combo's do wash-out, but still no objects. I zero'd out the fog thinking it might be too foggy. Not. I've created a scene.scn file as a resource, applied the above attributes to it, reference it with scene = SCNScene(named: scene.scn"), but get the same non-result. Idk if some checkbox is errant in the build/target etc. area. Wouldn't know if it was. I'm not a professional programmer. Any thoughts are appreciated. I've been stuck for days. oh yeah: as of this posting I am up to date on all Apple software, running 2018 MacMini/Intel/SSD
Jan ’21
App does not use my permissions to create dir
I've written an Switft/macOS App that creates directories deep within its own hierarchy. (no problem). Porting to SwiftUI means these directories and files should go(default) to ~/Documents. Since my Documents dir is (chmod -r 700) the ported app cannot write due to permissions. Which begs he question: what ID does the running app use? I found: and it did change Xcode's : kMDItemFSOwnerGroupID                   = 20 kMDItemFSOwnerUserID                    = 502 but it still does not write as though it has my permissions. Aside from changing my ~/Documents dir permissions, how do I make my App (build/run within Xcode) as me so it can write?
Jan ’21
FYI: Playing a movie using AVPlayer in Big Sur
took a bit of experimenting... import AVKit    //  macOS & iOS class ViewController_myShow: NSViewController {          @IBOutlet var myMOV: AVPlayerView! 10.          override func viewDidLoad() {         super.viewDidLoad()                  let playerView = AVPlayerView() 20. 21.         playerView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false 22. 23.         view.addSubview(playerView) 24. 25. 26. 27.         playerView.leadingAnchor.constraint  (equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.leadingAnchor ).isActive = true 28. 29.         playerView.trailingAnchor.constraint (equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.trailingAnchor).isActive = true 30. 31.         playerView.topAnchor.constraint      (equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.topAnchor     ).isActive = true 32. 33.         playerView.bottomAnchor.constraint   (equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.bottomAnchor  ).isActive = true 34. 35. 36. 37.         playerView.controlsStyle = .floating 38. 39.         playerView.showsFrameSteppingButtons   = true 40. 41.         playerView.showsFullScreenToggleButton = true 42. 43.          44. 45.         guard let path = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "myMovie", withExtension: "mov") else { return } 46. 47. 48. 49.         let player = AVPlayer(url: path) 50. 51.             playerView.player = player 52. 53.         playerView.player?.play()   54. 55.     } 56. 57. } The StoryBoard:AttributesInspector:AVPlayerView settings don't work for me... exactly. I had to set StoryBoard:AttributesInspector:AVPlayerView:ControlsStyle:none then include lines 37-41 in my code. The default is StoryBoard:AttributesInspector:AVPlayerView:ControlsStyle:inline which appears on screen but does nothing, i.e., no control. Line 21 is also required to be false. The .mov file can be File:AddFilesTo 'd or copied to Assets.xcassets see also: Developer Forum: "can't get extremely simple macOS video player to work..." &#9;&#9;&#9;
Jan ’21