




SwiftUI: watchOS measure water temperature
Hi I am trying to create app on watchOS using swiftUI. This app would simply check temperature of the water or other place user will actually be (e.g. Sauna). My question is: Is there any way I can achieve that for all Apple Watch models and not only Ultra? If there is, I would be thankful for some documentation, I couldn't find anything helpful.
Dec ’22
Why I can't see my teams while creating StoreKit Configuration File
I am trying to add In-app purchases to my app. I tried to create StoreKit Configuration File but after checking "Sync this file with an app in App Store Connect" I wanted to pick my team but the only options I had were "None" or "Ad an account...". And answering upcoming question: Yes I have team. Please help.
Dec ’22
SwiftUI: How to zoom in ScrollView
I am making family tree app and I need to create possibility to zoom in scrollview. I've tried few solutions but none of them work for me. I will have a lot of content going out of the screen and I need to be able to zoom out, and then be able to start from the last position. Here is my test view: struct Test: View { @State var scale: CGFloat = 1.0 @State var lastScaleValue: CGFloat = 1.0 var body: some View { ScrollView([.horizontal, .vertical]){ VStack(spacing: 100){ ForEach(1..<10){ i in Text("Number \(i)") .onTapGesture { // center item } .padding(.leading, Double(i)*50) } ForEach(1..<10){ i in Text("Number \(i)") .onTapGesture { // center item } .padding(.trailing, Double(i)*50) } }//.pinchToZoom() } } } Here is pinchToZoom which is not working as I want to class PinchZoomView: UIView { weak var delegate: PinchZoomViewDelgate? private(set) var scale: CGFloat = 0 { didSet { delegate?.pinchZoomView(self, didChangeScale: scale) } } private(set) var anchor: UnitPoint = .center { didSet { delegate?.pinchZoomView(self, didChangeAnchor: anchor) } } private(set) var offset: CGSize = .zero { didSet { delegate?.pinchZoomView(self, didChangeOffset: offset) } } private(set) var isPinching: Bool = false { didSet { delegate?.pinchZoomView(self, didChangePinching: isPinching) } } private var startLocation: CGPoint = .zero private var location: CGPoint = .zero private var numberOfTouches: Int = 0 init() { super.init(frame: .zero) let pinchGesture = UIPinchGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(pinch(gesture:))) pinchGesture.cancelsTouchesInView = false addGestureRecognizer(pinchGesture) } required init?(coder: NSCoder) { fatalError() } @objc private func pinch(gesture: UIPinchGestureRecognizer) { switch gesture.state { case .began: isPinching = true startLocation = gesture.location(in: self) numberOfTouches = gesture.numberOfTouches case .changed: if gesture.numberOfTouches != numberOfTouches { let newLocation = gesture.location(in: self) let jumpDifference = CGSize(width: newLocation.x - location.x, height: newLocation.y - location.y) startLocation = CGPoint(x: startLocation.x + jumpDifference.width, y: startLocation.y + jumpDifference.height) numberOfTouches = gesture.numberOfTouches } scale = gesture.scale location = gesture.location(in: self) offset = CGSize(width: location.x - startLocation.x, height: location.y - startLocation.y) case .ended, .cancelled, .failed: isPinching = false default: break } } } protocol PinchZoomViewDelgate: AnyObject { func pinchZoomView(_ pinchZoomView: PinchZoomView, didChangePinching isPinching: Bool) func pinchZoomView(_ pinchZoomView: PinchZoomView, didChangeScale scale: CGFloat) func pinchZoomView(_ pinchZoomView: PinchZoomView, didChangeAnchor anchor: UnitPoint) func pinchZoomView(_ pinchZoomView: PinchZoomView, didChangeOffset offset: CGSize) } struct PinchZoom: UIViewRepresentable { @Binding var scale: CGFloat @Binding var anchor: UnitPoint @Binding var offset: CGSize @Binding var isPinching: Bool func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator { Coordinator(self) } func makeUIView(context: Context) -> PinchZoomView { let pinchZoomView = PinchZoomView() pinchZoomView.delegate = context.coordinator return pinchZoomView } func updateUIView(_ pageControl: PinchZoomView, context: Context) { } class Coordinator: NSObject, PinchZoomViewDelgate { var pinchZoom: PinchZoom init(_ pinchZoom: PinchZoom) { self.pinchZoom = pinchZoom } func pinchZoomView(_ pinchZoomView: PinchZoomView, didChangePinching isPinching: Bool) { pinchZoom.isPinching = isPinching } func pinchZoomView(_ pinchZoomView: PinchZoomView, didChangeScale scale: CGFloat) { pinchZoom.scale = scale } func pinchZoomView(_ pinchZoomView: PinchZoomView, didChangeAnchor anchor: UnitPoint) { pinchZoom.anchor = anchor } func pinchZoomView(_ pinchZoomView: PinchZoomView, didChangeOffset offset: CGSize) { pinchZoom.offset = offset } } } struct PinchToZoom: ViewModifier { @State var scale: CGFloat = 1.0 @State var anchor: UnitPoint = .center @State var offset: CGSize = .zero @State var isPinching: Bool = false func body(content: Content) -> some View { content .scaleEffect(scale, anchor: anchor) .offset(offset) .animation(isPinching ? .none : .spring()) .overlay(PinchZoom(scale: $scale, anchor: $anchor, offset: $offset, isPinching: $isPinching)) } } extension View { func pinchToZoom() -> some View { self.modifier(PinchToZoom()) } }
Oct ’22
In-App Purchase consumable can be purchased just once
I am making an app in SwiftUI using an In-app purchase. In this app, the user should be able to buy points as many times as he wants, so I have used consumable products (in the app store connect). But when I've tried to buy them once again I got the information "This In-App purchase has already been bought. It will be restored for free". I've already searched for a way how to do it but none of the ideas worked for me. Here is my StoreManager class: import Foundation import StoreKit import SwiftUI class StoreManager : NSObject, ObservableObject, SKProductsRequestDelegate { @EnvironmentObject var authViewModel: AuthViewModel @Published var transactionState: SKPaymentTransactionState? @Published var myProducts = [SKProduct]() var request: SKProductsRequest! func productsRequest(_ request: SKProductsRequest, didReceive response: SKProductsResponse) { print("Did receive response") if !response.products.isEmpty { for fetchedProduct in response.products { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.myProducts.append(fetchedProduct) } } for invalidIdentifier in response.invalidProductIdentifiers { print("Invalid identifiers found: \(invalidIdentifier)") } }else{ print("it's empty") } } func getProducts(productIDs: [String]) { let request = SKProductsRequest(productIdentifiers: Set(productIDs)) request.delegate = self request.start() } func request(_ request: SKRequest, didFailWithError error: Error) { print("Request did fail: \(error)") } func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction]) { for transaction in transactions { switch transaction.transactionState { case .purchasing: transactionState = .purchasing break case .purchased: print("purchased") queue.finishTransaction(transaction) transactionState = .purchased break case .restored: print("restored") transactionState = .restored queue.finishTransaction(transaction) break case .failed, .deferred: queue.finishTransaction(transaction) transactionState = .failed break default: queue.finishTransaction(transaction) break } } } func purchaseProduct(product: SKProduct) { if SKPaymentQueue.canMakePayments() { let payment = SKPayment(product: product) SKPaymentQueue.default().add(payment) } else { print("User can't make payment.") } } func restoreProducts() { SKPaymentQueue.default().restoreCompletedTransactions() } } And I am simply using getProducts with onAppear, and purchase product on button's action. Please help me or if an answer to a similar question already exists send me a link to that thread.
Jan ’22