




Metal runtime shader library compilation and linking issue
In my project I need to do the following: In runtime create metal Dynamic library from source. In runtime create metal Executable library from source and Link it with my previous created Dynamic library. Create compute pipeline using those two libraries created above. But I get the following error at the third step: Error Domain=AGXMetalG15X_M1 Code=2 "Undefined symbols: _Z5noisev, referenced from: OnTheFlyKernel " UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Undefined symbols: _Z5noisev, referenced from: OnTheFlyKernel } import Foundation import Metal class MetalShaderCompiler { let device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()! var pipeline: MTLComputePipelineState! func compileDylib() -> MTLDynamicLibrary { let source = """ #include <metal_stdlib> using namespace metal; half3 noise() { return half3(1, 0, 1); } """ let option = MTLCompileOptions() option.libraryType = .dynamic option.installName = "@executable_path/libFoundation.metallib" let library = try! device.makeLibrary(source: source, options: option) let dylib = try! device.makeDynamicLibrary(library: library) return dylib } func compileExlib(dylib: MTLDynamicLibrary) -> MTLLibrary { let source = """ #include <metal_stdlib> using namespace metal; extern half3 noise(); kernel void OnTheFlyKernel(texture2d<half, access::read> src [[texture(0)]], texture2d<half, access::write> dst [[texture(1)]], ushort2 gid [[thread_position_in_grid]]) { half4 rgba =; rgba.rgb += noise(); dst.write(rgba, gid); } """ let option = MTLCompileOptions() option.libraryType = .executable option.libraries = [dylib] let library = try! self.device.makeLibrary(source: source, options: option) return library } func runtime() { let dylib = self.compileDylib() let exlib = self.compileExlib(dylib: dylib) let pipelineDescriptor = MTLComputePipelineDescriptor() pipelineDescriptor.computeFunction = exlib.makeFunction(name: "OnTheFlyKernel") pipelineDescriptor.preloadedLibraries = [dylib] pipeline = try! device.makeComputePipelineState(descriptor: pipelineDescriptor, options: .bindingInfo, reflection: nil) } }
Sep ’24