




Can an application signed with "" be published as trusted?
I am working on releasing my macOS arm64 app. My problem is that after the user downloads the dmg, double-clicking in the dmg, a Gatekeeper pop-up box will appear with a warning that the developer cannot be verified. Question: Can an application signed with "" be published as trusted? If yes, what steps have I missed? If not, can I get an official response from Apple? (Because I referred to this post, it seems to mention that it is possible to publish trusted software.I have looked up similar questions on the forum and tried many things, but nothing works. ) Here are my steps: Use the codesign to sign Because my app needs to access third-party dynamic libraries, entitlements.plist contains a "". After the "codesign -dvvv" check, the signature was successful.✅ Use the "xcrun notarytool" command to notarize my app, and the status is displayed as accepted.✅ Use "xcrun stapler staple" to attach the notarization to my app, and it returns success.✅ Use the "spctl -a -v " command to verify whether my app has passed Gatekeeper, and it returns that it has passed.✅ Then I packaged into a dmg, and then attached the notarization mark to the dmg, which was successful.✅ I completed the above steps and distributed the dmg. When I downloaded the dmg as a user test and double-clicked in it, the Gatekeeper pop-up box still appeared, and the developer cannot be verified.❌
Dec ’24