While there isn't a direct API to query the maximum available height for a notification content extension, you can use a workaround to dynamically adjust the content layout and avoid scrolling
preferredContentSize Property: Override the preferredContentSize property of UIViewController to adjust the size of your view controller.
let size = view.bounds.size
preferredContentSize = CGSize(width: size.width, height: size.height / 4.0)
You can modify the height of the notification by changing the division factor (4.0 in this example)
Batch Size:
Setting a fetch batch size might help. Core Data will pull in batches of objects at a time and release the oldest batch when more than a certain number of batches are around.
fetchDescriptor.fetchLimit = 3
fetchDescriptor.fetchBatchSize = 1 // Or a small number
The crash you are experiencing at String._bridgeToObjectiveCImpl() likely stems from issues related to Swift and Objective-C interoperability, particularly with how strings are bridged between the two languages.
Potential Causes and Solutions
Memory Management Issues:
Ensure that the launcher object is properly retained while you are using it. If it gets deallocated before the method call, it could lead to accessing invalid memory.
If you have any custom memory management (e.g., manual retain/release), ensure that you are following Swift's ARC (Automatic Reference Counting) rules correctly.
Check for Optional Values:
Ensure that tabId is not nil when passed to initiateNewTabNavigation. If it's an optional string and you attempt to bridge a nil value, it could lead to a crash.
Use optional binding to safely unwrap tabId before passing it
if let validTabId = tabId {
launcher.initiateNewTabNavigation(tabId: validTabId)
You're dealing with a complex issue involving multi-architecture compilation in Clang, particularly with precompiled headers (PCH). The challenge arises from the need to specify different PCH files for different architectures while using the -Xarch flags, which only accept a single argument.
Use Separate Build Commands
One straightforward approach is to separate the build commands for each architecture. This means invoking the compiler twice, once for each architecture, specifying the appropriate PCH file each time.
# For x86_64
clang -arch x86_64 -include-pch foo.x64.pch -o output_x86.o source.c
# For arm64
clang -arch arm64 -include-pch foo.arm64.pch -o output_arm.o source.c
Clean and Reinstall Pods:
Run the following commands in your terminal within the ios directory of your Flutter project:
cd ios
rm -rf Podfile.lock Pods
pod install --repo-update
Also, If you want to keep it as an enum for some reason, you'll need to define cases for it or remove the static instance creation (static let padding = Padding()). However, since you want to avoid modifying your code significantly, changing it to a struct is the most straightforward solution.
Since you intend to use Padding as a type that can be instantiated, you should define it as a struct instead of an enum. Here’s how you can modify your definition
struct Padding {
subscript(multiplier: Int) -> CGFloat {
return CGFloat(multiplier) * 8.0
subscript(multiplier: Double) -> CGFloat {
return CGFloat(multiplier) * 8.0
Also, If you want to keep it as an enum for some reason, you'll need to define cases for it or remove the static instance creation (static let padding = Padding()). However, since you want to avoid modifying your code significantly, changing it to a struct is the most straightforward solution.
Ensure that both projects are using the same C language dialect in their build settings. Look for C Language Dialect and C++ Language Dialect settings under Build Settings. They should be set to the same version (e.g., GNU99, GNU11).
Potential Solutions
1. Check Intent Definition
Ensure that your intents are correctly defined in your Intent Definition file.
Verify that you are using the AppIntentConfiguration type instead of the older IntentConfiguration for your widget
2. Conform to Required Protocols
Make sure your intent conforms to the WidgetConfigurationIntent protocol, which is necessary for widget configuration intents. This includes implementing required attributes like title and description as static variables
3. Clean Build and Cache
Perform a clean build of your project:
In Xcode, go to Product > Clean Build Folder (hold down the Option key).
Delete any derived data related to your project:
Go to Xcode Preferences > Locations, and click on the arrow next to Derived Data to open it in Finder.
Delete the folder corresponding to your project.
4. Update Xcode and macOS
Ensure that you are using the latest version of Xcode (16.1) and that your macOS is up-to-date. Sometimes, bugs in earlier versions can cause unexpected behavior
5. Review App Entitlements
Check the entitlements of your app and ensure that they are correctly set up for the Intent Extension.
Make sure that App Sandbox is enabled if required by your extension's functionality
6. Test on Different Devices/Simulators
If possible, test your widget on different devices or simulators running macOS Sequoia to see if the issue persists across environments.