




Combine delay & switchToLatest publisher don't emit value sometimes
Hello, I recently implemented a conditional debounce publisher using Swift's Combine. If a string with a length less than 2 is passed, the event is sent downstream immediately without delay. If a string with a length of 2 or more is passed, the event is emitted downstream with a 0.2-second delay. While writing test logic related to this, I noticed a strange phenomenon: sometimes the publisher, which should emit events with a 0.2-second delay, does not emit an event. The test code below should have all indices from 1 to 100 in the array, but sometimes some indices are missing, causing the assertion to fail. Even after observing completion, cancel, and output events through handleEvents, I couldn't find any cause. Am I using Combine incorrectly, or is there a bug in Combine? I would appreciate it if you could let me know. import Foundation import Combine var cancellables: Set<AnyCancellable> = [] @MainActor func text(index: Int, completion: @escaping () -> Void) { let subject = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>() let textToSent = "textToSent" subject .map { text in if text.count >= 2 { return Just<String>(text) .delay(for: .seconds(0.2), scheduler: RunLoop.main) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } else { return Just<String>(text) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } } .switchToLatest() .sink { if $0.count >= 2 { completion() } }.store(in: &cancellables) for i in 0..<textToSent.count { let stringIndex = textToSent.index(textToSent.startIndex, offsetBy: i) let stringToSent = String(textToSent[textToSent.startIndex...stringIndex]) subject.send(stringToSent) } } var array = [Int]() for i in 1...100 { text(index: i) { array.append(i) } } DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 5) { for i in 1...100 { assert(array.contains(i)) } } .now + 10)
Setting multiple alignment guides in SwiftUI behaves strangely
Hello. Recently, while studying alignmentGuide, I had questions about it behaving differently from the documentation when setting multiple alignment guides. For example, the document states that only the alignmentGuide modifier with a first parameter matching the container's alignment will function. Therefore, I thought that writing the Swift code below would result in the yellow color's center alignment being aligned with the HStack's bottom alignment. struct TestView: View { var body: some View { HStack(alignment: .bottom) { Color.yellow .frame(height: 50) .alignmentGuide( { dim in dim[.top] } .alignmentGuide( { dim in dim[.bottom] } .alignmentGuide(VerticalAlignment.bottom) { dim in dim[] } Text("Hello, world") } .border(.green) } } Expect However, in reality, I observed that the top of the yellow color aligns with the HStack's bottom alignment. From this, I inferred that the 3rd alignmentGuide is applied first, and this also causes the first alignmentGuide to work, which makes me curious about how this is possible. If I leave only the 3rd alignmentGuide, it behaves as I expected. Real Behavior Could anybody help me to figure it out this behavior? Thank you
Dec ’24
Is there any plans to isolate alignmentGuide's computeValue closure?
Hello. I am developing an application using Swift 6 and SwiftUI. I have custom implemented a BottomSheet that animates from bottom to top, and I attempted to achieve this animation by changing the alignmentGuide like this. ZStack(alignment: .bottom) { dimView .opacity(isVisible ? 1 : 0) .transaction { transaction in transaction.animation = .easeInOut(duration: 0.35) } bottomSheetView .alignmentGuide(VerticalAlignment.bottom) { dimension in // compile error occur because isVisible property is state of MainActor isolated View! isVisible ? dimension[.bottom] : dimension[.top] } } There were no issues in Swift 5, but now I am encountering compile errors because the computeValue closure of the alignmentGuide is not isolated to the MainActor, preventing me from calling view state values or functions. So I am curious if there are any plans to isolate this closure to the MainActor. From my observation, this closure is always called on the main thread. Thank you.
Dec ’24