I'm trying to implement live caller id PIR server in python and I have an issue related to evaluation key config. I don't receive the POST /key request even if I try to install the extension on new device and I had this error in device system logs:
error 11:21:30.663022+0200 ciphermld requestData(byKeywords:shardIds:clientConfig:) threw an error: CipherML.CipherMLError.missingSecre t Ke y
I think the reason why the evaluation key is not generated is related to this error but I'm not sure. It might be also related to HE params - I tried with the same params as in swift server example with plaintext_modulus=17 and it works, but for plaintext_modulus=65537 on the same device the system doesn't send me the evaluation key. Is there a limitation that restricts the evaluation key generation for some HE params?
There is how the entire config object that I retrieve looks like:
"configs": {
"Live-C aller-ID-Lookup. TestLiveCallerI D.iden tity": {
"pir_config": {
"encry ption_p aram eters": {
"pol ynomial_deg ree": "4096",
"plaint ext_mo dulus": "65537",
"coeff icient_m oduli": [
"secu rity_le vel": "SECU RITY LEVEL QUANT UM128",
"h e_sc heme": "H E_SC HEM E_B F V"
"shard_configs": [
"num_entries": "2",
"entry_size": "55991",
"dimensions": [
"shard_id": ""
"keyword_pir_params": {
"num_hash_functions": "2",
"sharding_function": {
"sha256": {}
"algorithm": "PIR _ALGO RITHM _MUL_PIR",
"batch_size": "2",
"evalu ation_ke config_hash": ""
"config_id": ""
"key_info": [
"timestamp": "1738660849",
"key_config": {
"encryp tion_par ameters": {
"polynomial_degree": "4096",
"plaintex t_mo dulus": "65537",
"coeffic ient_m oduli": [
"secu rity_level": "SECUR ITY_LEVEL_QU ANTUM128",
"he_sc heme": "HE_SC HEME_BFV"
"gal ois_e lements": [
20 49,
40 97
"has _rel in_key": true
PS evaluation key data is just a placeholder, but anyway it should be skipped cause of expired timestamp
More logs:
default 11:21:30.535865+0200 ciphermld Running rotation task for ["Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity"]
info 11:21:30.535953+0200 ciphermld Skipping groups that manage their own networking: <private>
default 11:21:30.537007+0200 ciphermld Request to fetchConfigs has started for useCases '["Li ve-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity"]', userId: '<private>', existingConfigIds: '["id"]'
default 11:21:30.542174+0200 ciphermld Request to queries-batch has started for userId: '<private>', length: 28350
default 11:21:30.655914+0200 ciphermld Request to fetchConfigs has finished, response length: 230
default 11:21:30.656182+0200 ciphermld Received configurations: 1 usecase(s), 1 key(s) for group 'Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity'
debug 11:21:30.660868+0200 ciphermld Skipping non-active key: timestamp: 1738660849
key_config {
encryption_parameters {
polynomial_degree: 4096
plaintext_modulus: 65537
coefficient_moduli: [134176769, 268369921, 268361729]
security_level: Quantum128
he_scheme: BFV
galois_elements: [2049, 4097]
has_relin_key: true
error 11:21:30.662982+0200 ciphermld No key for use-case 'Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity'
error 11:21:30.663022+0200 ciphermld requestData(byKeywords:shardIds:clientConfig:) threw an error: CipherML.CipherMLError.missingSecre t Ke y
default 11:21:30.663824+0200 com.apple.CallKit.CallDirectory <private> XPC request complete, results(0) error:Error Domain=CipherML.CipherMLError Code=32 "missing secre t ke y" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=missing secre t ke y}
default 11:21:30.972372+0200 ciphermld Request to queries-batch has finished response, length: 0
default 11:21:30.974711+0200 com.apple.CallKit.CallDirectory <private> XPC request complete, results(1) error:(null)
default 11:21:36.161964+0200 com.apple.CallKit.CallDirectory <private> Sending XPC request
default 11:21:36.163149+0200 com.apple.CallKit.CallDirectory <private> Sending XPC request
default 11:21:36.169931+0200 ciphermld requestData(byKeywords:shardIds:clientConfig:) method was called
default 11:21:36.170448+0200 ciphermld requestData(byKeywords:shardIds:clientConfig:) method was called
default 11:21:36.174001+0200 ciphermld Cached: 0 / Missing: 1
error 11:21:36.174997+0200 ciphermld No userId or secre t Ke y for use-case '.Lve-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity'. Running rotation task'
default 11:21:36.175075+0200 ciphermld Running rotation task for ["Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity"]
info 11:21:36.175240+0200 ciphermld Skipping groups that manage their own networking: <private>
default 11:21:36.177700+0200 ciphermld Request to fetchConfigs has started for useCases '["Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity"]', userId: '<private>', existingConfigIds: '["id"]'
default 11:21:36.179914+0200 ciphermld Request to queries-batch has started for userId: '<private>', length: 28350
default 11:21:36.336051+0200 ciphermld Request to fetchConfigs has finished, response length: 230
default 11:21:36.336308+0200 ciphermld Received configurations: 1 usecase(s), 1 key(s) for group 'Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity'
debug 11:21:36.341522+0200 ciphermld Skipping non-active key: timestamp: 1738660849
key_config {
encryption_parameters {
polynomial_degree: 4096
plaintext_modulus: 65537
coefficient_moduli: [134176769, 268369921, 268361729]
security_level: Quantum128
he_scheme: BFV
galois_elements: [2049, 4097]
has_relin_key: true
error 11:21:36.356497+0200 ciphermld No key for use-case 'Live-Caller-ID-Lookup.TestLiveCallerID.identity'
error 11:21:36.356669+0200 ciphermld requestData(byKeywords:shardIds:clientConfig:) threw an error: CipherML.CipherMLError.missingSecre t Ke y
default 11:21:36.357075+0200 com.apple.CallKit.CallDirectory <private> XPC request complete, results(0) error:Error Domain=CipherML.CipherMLError Code=32 "missing secre t ke y" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=missing secre t ke y}
default 11:21:36.625701+0200 ciphermld Request to queries-batch has finished response, length: 0
default 11:21:36.626749+0200 com.apple.CallKit.CallDirectory
I'm trying to setup PIR service for live caller id lookup (in python but based on swift example: https://github.com/apple/live-caller-id-lookup-example). The swift example provides utilities for database setup and encryption, but I can't find any specification about which key is used for database encryption and how the ios system knows about this key in order to be able to construct the PIR requests.
So my question is how does the PIR service communicate the secret key to ios system or vice versa? (specific to the test environment, before onboarding)