We have an app that takes data from the accelerometer of the iPhone and watchOS. Some updates ago we included the high-frequency accelerometer for the watchOS with the CMBatchedSensorManager framework.
We didn't test our app on iOS 16 or 15 devices, where that framework is unavailable, because the update was just for watchOS. We refer to that class just on a shared class, and was wrapped with an #if os(watchOS) condition.
In our iPhone app, we import the CoreMotion framework but CMBatchedSensorManager is not used.
Now, when you run the app on a device with iOS 15 you find this issue: dyld[17071]:
Symbol not found: (OBJC_CLASS$_CMBatchedSensorManager)
Referenced from: '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/C3CC754F-1674-4CBD-AD83-93229DDCF38D/Spleeft.app/Spleeft'
Expected in: '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMotion.framework/CoreMotion'
We need a solution to keep running our app on devices with iOS 15.0
Hi! I've added the code of the multidevice workout app from Apple to my app and I found some issues that I cannot see on the sample app.
In my app, to pause or end the workout from the watch, the iOS companion app has to be opened or at least on background, but never closed.
What I'm doing wrong?