Hi JackBachey.
Recently, I was also trying to make my "app" work with the same issue. although I haven't finished it yet (lack of time) the solution I have found was that your device must expose the HID Service (UUID: 0x1812) and the relevant characteristics, such as HID Report (UUID: 0x2A4D), HID Report Map (UUID: 0x2A4B), and HID Boot Keyboard Input and HID Boot Keyboard Output characteristics.
Although I haven't implemented it yet (I am going to try it this weekend), feel free to try it with your code. I am not 100% sure if our issues are the same, but maybe this will help.
Good Luck
Hi Arturdevcoinstats.
In most cases when something like this occurs it's an app bug. Try to check if you allowed an app to background refresh. Check also if the app is allowed to use cellular data.