I submitted a TSI about 3 weeks ago.
Got an automated reply giving me my TSI ID. Unfortunately I cannot find that ID anywhere.
Can any of you detectives find that ID for me?
I guess I am a little curious as to when one of their super smart DTS programmers will contact me.
My Bad
John Love
How to integrate UIDevice rotation and creating a new UIBezierPath after rotation?
My challenge here is to successfully integrate UIDevice rotation and creating a new UIBezierPath every time the UIDevice is rotated.
(Please accept my apologies for this Post’s length .. but I can’t seem to avoid it)
As a preamble, I have bounced back and forth between
selector: #selector(rotated),
name: UIDevice.orientationDidChangeNotification,
object: nil)
called within my viewDidLoad() together with
@objc func rotated() {
override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
// please see code below
My success was much better when I implemented viewWillLayoutSubviews(), versus rotated() .. so let me provide detailed code just for viewWillLayoutSubviews().
I have concluded that every time I rotate the UIDevice, a new UIBezierPath needs to be generated because positions and sizes of my various SKSprieNodes change.
I am definitely not saying that I have to create a new UIBezierPath with every rotation .. just saying I think I have to.
Start of Code
// declared at the top of my `GameViewController`:
var myTrain: SKSpriteNode!
var savedTrainPosition: CGPoint?
var trackOffset = 60.0
var trackRect: CGRect!
var trainPath: UIBezierPath!
My UIBezierPath creation and SKAction.follow code is as follows:
// called with my setTrackPaths() – see way below
func createTrainPath() {
// savedTrainPosition initially set within setTrackPaths()
// and later reset when stopping + resuming moving myTrain
// via stopFollowTrainPath()
trackRect = CGRect(x: savedTrainPosition!.x,
y: savedTrainPosition!.y,
width: tracksWidth,
height: tracksHeight)
trainPath = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: trackRect)
trainPath = trainPath.reversing() // makes myTrain move CW
} // createTrainPath
func startFollowTrainPath() {
let theSpeed = Double(5*thisSpeed)
var trainAction = SKAction.follow(
asOffset: false,
orientToPath: true,
speed: theSpeed)
trainAction = SKAction.repeatForever(trainAction)
myTrain.run(trainAction, withKey: runTrainKey)
} // startFollowTrainPath
func stopFollowTrainPath() {
guard myTrain == nil else {
myTrain.removeAction(forKey: runTrainKey)
savedTrainPosition = myTrain.position
} // stopFollowTrainPath
Here is the detailed viewWillLayoutSubviews I promised earlier:
override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
if (thisSceneName == "GameScene") {
// code to pause moving game pieces
setGamePieceParms() // for GamePieces, e.g., trainWidth
setTrackPaths() // for trainPath
// code to resume moving game pieces
} // if (thisSceneName == "GameScene")
} // viewWillLayoutSubviews
func setGamePieceParms() {
if (thisSceneName == "GameScene") {
roomScale = 1.0
let roomRect = UIScreen.main.bounds
roomWidth = roomRect.width
roomHeight = roomRect.height
roomPosX = 0.0
roomPosY = 0.0
tracksScale = 1.0
tracksWidth = roomWidth - 4*trackOffset // inset from screen edge
#if os(iOS)
if UIDevice.current.orientation.isLandscape {
tracksHeight = 0.30*roomHeight
else {
tracksHeight = 0.38*roomHeight
// center horizontally
tracksPosX = roomPosX
// flush with bottom of UIScreen
let temp = roomPosY - roomHeight/2
tracksPosY = temp + trackOffset + tracksHeight/2
trainScale = 2.8
trainWidth = 96.0*trainScale // original size = 96 x 110
trainHeight = 110.0*trainScale
trainPosX = roomPosX
#if os(iOS)
if UIDevice.current.orientation.isLandscape {
trainPosY = temp + trackOffset + tracksHeight + 0.30*trainHeight
else {
trainPosY = temp + trackOffset + tracksHeight + 0.20*trainHeight
} // setGamePieceParms
// a work in progress
func setTrackPaths() {
if (thisSceneName == "GameScene") {
if (savedTrainPosition == nil) {
savedTrainPosition = CGPoint(x: tracksPosX - tracksWidth/2, y: tracksPosY)
else {
savedTrainPosition = CGPoint(x: tracksPosX - tracksWidth/2, y: tracksPosY)
} // if (thisSceneName == "GameScene")
} // setTrackPaths
func reSizeAndPositionNodes() {
myTracks.size = CGSize(width: tracksWidth, height: tracksHeight)
myTracks.position = CGPoint(x: tracksPosX, y: tracksPosY)
// more Nodes here ..
End of Code
My theory says when I call setTrackPaths() with every UIDevice rotation, createTrainPath() is called.
Nothing happens of significance visually as far as the UIBezierPath is concerned .. until I call startFollowTrainPath().
Bottom Line
It is then that I see for sure that a new UIBezierPath has not been created as it should have been when I called createTrainPath() when I rotated the UIDevice.
The new UIBezierPath is not new, but the old one.
If you’ve made it this far through my long code, the question is what do I need to do to make a new UIBezierPath that fits the resized and repositioned SKSpriteNode?
How do I change a UIBezierPath.currentPoint to a SKSpriteNode.position?
Here are the appropriate code snippets:
func createTrainPath() {
let startX = -tracksWidth/2,
startY = tracksPosY
savedTrainPosition = CGPoint(x: startX, y: startY!)
trackRect = CGRect(x: savedTrainPosition.x,
y: savedTrainPosition.y,
width: tracksWidth,
height: tracksHeight)
trainPath = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: trackRect)
trainPath = trainPath.reversing() // makes myTrain move CW
} // createTrainPath
Followed by:
func startFollowTrainPath() {
let theSpeed = Double(5*thisSpeed)
var trainAction = SKAction.follow(
asOffset: false,
orientToPath: true,
speed: theSpeed)
trainAction = SKAction.repeatForever(trainAction)
myTrain.run(trainAction, withKey: runTrainKey)
} // startFollowTrainPath
So far, so good (I think?) ...
Within other places in my code, I call:
return trainPath.currentPoint
I need to convert trainPath.currentPoint to myTrain.position ...
When I insert the appropriate print statements, I see for example:
myTrain.position = (0.0, -295.05999755859375)
trainPath.currentPoint = (392.0, -385.0)
which obviously disqualifies a simple = , as in:
myTrain.position = trainPath.currentPoint
Since this = is not correct, what is ?
After more investigation, my guess is that .currentPoint is in SKSpriteNode coordinates and .position is in SKScene coordinates.
Why does orient Path = true cause the sprite node to rotate CW when the path is horizontal?
Here's just one example:
let trainAction = SKAction.follow(
asOffset: false,
orientToPath: true,
duration: 0.1)
I have myTrain.zRotation = 0.0
myTrain is a simple locomotive,trainPath = the railroad tracks
Docs state with orientToPath: true, that the Node will always orient itself such that it's facing the UIBezierPath.
To me, facing means that the wheels of the locomotive are facing the BezierPath (= trainPath)
Apparently I am wrong in this interpretation ... if so, what is the correct interpretation?
FYI, comparing the snapshot of my initial placement of the locomotive on the tracks using .position with what happens after I start moving the locomotive:
These snapshots indicate that facing means that the nose of the locomotive is facing the BezierPath (= trainPath).
If true, how do I eliminate that CW rotation?
How do I change just the starting point of an existing UIBezierPath? .. and leave all other points the same?
I have definitely seen many posts on how to do this .. honestly, I just do not understand many of them
My existing path has one .move(to:) and many .addLine(to:)
My goal is:
(1) replace the .move(to:) with .addLine(to:) and then
(2) change one of the .addLine(to:) with .move(to:)
All other CGPoints stay the same.
In order to get the new starting point, I set:
savedPathPoint = myPath.currentPoint
when I stop the following motion.
At some point, I want to resume this following motion with the new starting point = savedPathPoint via
myPath.move(to: savedPathPoint)
let myAction = SKAction.follow(
asOffset: false,
orientToPath: true,
duration: 0.1)
When I look at the above problem description, it really appears simple.
Nevertheless, its implementation alludes me.
Thanks bunches in advance for any hints whatsoever.
Problem = I have a locomotive trying to follow an oval-shaped UIBezierPath. The challenge is that when I use orientToPath:true in my call to SKAction.follow, the locomotive immediately rotates even though the locomotive is initially positioned on the straight portion of the oval before it reaches the rounded portion of the oval.
If I could prevent this initial rotation, then the rotation would not happen until it reached the rounded portion of the oval - as it should.
So, can you please provide some guidance as to how I could prevent this initial rotation?
Here is the code:
func createTrainPath() {
// this custom method ensures that the locomotive
// moves CW, versus CCW
trackPath = getBezierPath(theNode: myTrain, offset: 0.0)
} // createTrainPath
func startFollowTrainPath() {
let theSpeed = Double(5*thisSpeed)
var trainAction = SKAction.follow(
asOffset: true,
orientToPath: true, // <==
speed: theSpeed)
trainAction = SKAction.repeatForever(trainAction)
myTrain.run(trainAction, withKey: runTrainKey)
} // startFollowTrainPath
How to attach a struct to the main GameViewController?
This struct occupies the top half of the main ViewController.
The goal is to have this struct be part of the main GameViewController and not in separate UIHostingController.
SO, when I rotate the main SKScene for example the struct also rotates OR when I switch SKScenes both the top-half struct and the bottom-half switch together because they are one SKScene.
The programmer who invented HStacks and VStacks is a blooming genius … but I need to avoid what I have now which is the HStack VStack combo closing and then its neighbors in the main SKScene closing.
Here are the essential code segments - all in my GameViewController:
Declared at the top:
var useGSO = false
var gsoChildVC: UIViewController! // = UIHostingController
override func viewDidLoad() {
"gso" = "Game Static Objects"
if useGSO {
// create a UIHostingController and extract a rootView for later processing
gsoChildVC = UIHostingController(rootView: GameStaticObjects())
} // viewDidLoad
Within my showScene():
func addGamePieces(toScene: SKScene) {
if thisSceneName == "GameScene" {
// various SKSpriteNodes
// STATIC People, Animals and Buildings
// are now added to the top of our SKScene
addGSOChild(toScene: toScene)
} // if thisSceneName == "GameScene"
else {
} // addGamePieces
func addGSOChild(toScene: SKScene) {
// gsoChildVC = nil *if* useGSO = false
guard gsoChildVC == nil else {
let gsoParentVC = self // parent = us = GameViewController
// default value
// gsoChildVC.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = true
let sameWidth = gsoParentVC.view.bounds.width
let newHeight = 0.5 * gsoParentVC.view.bounds.height
let boundsWithNewBottom = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, sameWidth, newHeight)
gsoChildVC.view.frame = boundsWithNewBottom
// first, add the view of the hild to the view of the parent
// then, add the child to the parent
// notify the child ViewController that we're finished
gsoChildVC.didMove(toParent: gsoParentVC)
} // addGSOChild
func removeGSOChild() {
// gsoChildVC = nil *if* useGSO = false
guard gsoChildVC == nil else {
// First, remove the Child from its Parent
// Then, remove the Child's view from the Parent's
} // removeGSOChild
As stated at the top of this OP, the HStack and Stack code appears great .. but the UIHostingController is distinct from my GameViewController. As a direct result, such operations as switching SKScenes is done in 2 halves - (1) the HStack and Stack top half and (2) whatever non-struct stuff appears below it.
If I switch SKScenes, I want both halves to switch as one entity.
FWIW, the struct that contains the HStack and Stack code is outside the GameViewController class as suggested by Apple.
and as specified above, I call:
gsoChildVC = UIHostingController(rootView: GameStaticObjects())
within my viewDidLoad() method.
I would love some basic guidance here as to what basic error I am making.
I am developing a game in which my Locomotive is following a UIBezierPath that mimics an oval shaped Track.
The math of the following is not "adding up" .. if it is, I am obviously not understanding the math of the layout.
Bottom line = the following code does not display the UIBezierPath.
Here's the code that creates this UIBezierPath .. please note the math in the comments:
func createTrainPath() {
trackRect = CGRect(x: 0.0,
y: 0.0 - roomHeight/2 + tracksHeight,
width: tracksWidth,
height: tracksHeight)
// trackRect = (0.0, -207.0, 940.0, 476.0) // portrait
// trackRect = (0.0, -274.0, 470.0, 238.0) // landscape
print("trackRect = \(trackRect!)")
trackPath = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: trackRect)
let theTrackShapeNode = SKShapeNode(path: trackPath.cgPath, centered: true)
theTrackShapeNode.zPosition = 100 // for testing
theTrackShapeNode.position = myTracks.position
theTrackShapeNode.lineWidth = 4.0
theTrackShapeNode.strokeColor = SKColor.blue
if let ourScene = GameScene(fileNamed: "GameScene") {
print("here") // this shows
ourScene.addChild(theTrackShapeNode) // does *not* show?
} // createTrainPath
In Portrait mode, the UIScreen measures 1024 x 1366 and the Track measures 940 x 476 with its top edge down 207 from the center of the UIScreen.
In Landscape mode, the UIScreen measures 1366 x 1024 and the Track measures 470 x 238 with its top edge down 274 from the center of the UIScreen.
In both modes, the bottom edge of the Track is supposed to be flush with the bottom edge of the UIScreen .. and it is.
If the math is correct, then I am obviously not understanding the math of the layout .. because the UIBezierPath is not showing.
The math appears correct .. but the UIBezierPath just is not showing.
So where is my brain off-center?
Do I really have to reset position and size of SKSpriteNodes with every rotation between landscape and portrait layout??
I've done that and it works .. but this seems to be overkill that the writers of Xcode internally compensated for .. vs. having the individual programmer having to do it.
I have a getGameParms() which resets positions based on:
#if os(iOS) && !targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
func getGameParms() {
let roomRect = UIScreen.main.bounds
roomWidth = roomRect.width * roomScale
roomHeight = roomRect.height * roomScale
if (thisSceneName == "GameScene")
if UIDevice.current.orientation.isLandscape {
// changes here
else {
// changes
} // if (thisSceneName == "GameScene")
} // getGameParms
#elseif os(tvOS)
func getGameParms() {
let roomRect = UIScreen.main.bounds
roomWidth = roomRect.width * roomScale
roomHeight = roomRect.height * roomScale
if (thisSceneName == "GameScene")
// other changes here
} // getGameParms
Again, the burdensome changes are done .. but are they really necessary?
As an alternative, I have called getGameParms() just once within my viewDidLoad() and the results are not correct.
For example, I place one SKSpriteNode at the very bottom of the UIScreen and it does not stay there with UIDevice rotation. I also size it horizontally such that it expands to the full width of the UIScreen. Rotation destroys that. if getGameParms() is called only once as just described.
Some explanation as to why would be appreciated.
Can you access the objects in a struct from outside the struct?
So far I have a group of HStacks and VStacks whose embedded objects are all Images(“name”).
By definition these Images are fixed in terms of their .position and .size for example.
Can I dynamically access these embedded objects from outside the struct?
In short, move them?
.. or include a Node so I could change its color?
All changes made from Swift outside the struct?
Can you access the objects in a struct from outside the struct?
So far I have a group of HStacks and VStacks whose embedded objects are all Images(“name”).
By definition these Images are fixed in terms of their .position and .size for example.
Can I dynamically access these embedded objects from outside the struct?
in short, move them ?
Where do I place my code to instantiate my Project’s struct code within SwiftUI?
As you can see way below, I call:
_ = StaticObjects()
Within GameScene’s didMove
It seems the reason I don’t see the same #Preview image in my GameScene is that I am not explicitly returning a SwiftUI some View within my struct layout.
I do know that didMove is really called .. but I just don’t see anything within the Simulator
My #Preview works great:
The following code appears within GameScene.swift of my Xcode Project:
import SpriteKit
import SwiftUI
struct StaticObjects : View {
// some View is returned when our struct is instantiated
var body: some View {
let theBuildings = ["hotel",
let theFigures = ["desperado",
VStack {
HStack(alignment: .bottom) {
ForEach(theBuildings, id: \.self) { theBuilding in
.resizable() // for rotation
} // ForEach
} // HStack for theBuildings
HStack(alignment: .bottom) {
ForEach(theFigures, id: \.self) { theFigure in
.resizable() // for rotation
.frame(width: 120, height: 230)
.offset(x: 0.0, y: -50.0)
} // ForEach
} // HStack for theFigures
// aligns vertically the entire struct to the top
} // VStack
} // body:
} // struct StaticObjects
#Preview {
class GameScene: SKScene, SKPhysicsContactDelegate {
override func sceneDidLoad() {
} // sceneDidLoad
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
physicsWorld.contactDelegate = self
_ = StaticObjects() // doesn’t work
} // didMove
func didBegin(_ contact: SKPhysicsContact) {
// ...
} // didBegin
} // class GameScene
12.9 inch iPad Simulator not presenting SpriteNodes correctly for Xcode
When I generate my SKScene, I use
ourScene.scaleMode = .aspectFill
I then display several SKShapeNodes, e.g.,
let roomWidth = UIScreen.main.bounds.width
let roomHeight = UIScreen.main.bounds.height
let circleRadius = 30.0
itsStatusNode = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: circleRadius)
let circleOffsetX = 95.0
let circleOffsetY = 70.0
let circlePosX = roomWidth/2 - circleRadius - circleOffsetX
let circlePosY = roomHeight/2 - circleRadius - circleOffsetY
itsStatusNode.position = CGPoint(x: circlePosX, y: circlePosY)
The above Code works for all Xcode Simulators:
iPad (10th Generation)
iPad Air (5th Generation)
iPad Pro (11 inch) (4th Generation)
iPad Mini (6th Generation)
except the iPad (12.9 inch )(6th Generation)
For example, these work for all except the 12.9"
circleOffsetX = 95.0
circleOffsetY = 70.0
circleOffsetX = 70.0
circleOffsetY = 95.0
For just the 12.9" these work
circleOffsetX = 190.0
circleOffsetY = 145.0
circleOffsetX = 150.0
circleOffsetY = 190.0
I have seen other reports that point other errors out for just the 12.9 inch Simulator.
Or, is this one of many examples when I have to upload the App to a real Device such as my iPad or Apple TV?
FWIW, I only have a iPad Mini, not the 12.9 inch version
As always, thanks bunches for just reading this.
Error = Device orientations are not supported in Mac Catalyst processes
Got this error when selecting the Destination = "My Mac (designed for iPad".
I tried using the following Code Snippet in my GameViewController, but it did not work. Can anyone provide some guidance?:
#if os(iOS) && !targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
// for rotation Landscape <-> Portrait = iOS,
// but *not* for Mac (built for iPad)
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
} // viewDidLayoutSubviews
Cannot look at contents of file in Print Queue with Sonoma
Before Sonoma, after I selected print in a application, e.g., Word, I could double click on the document stored in the Print Queue and the pages would be displayed.
With Sonoma, cannot see file contents??
One last thing pertaining to this Print Queue =
I can't delete any of the accumulated "Completed" Jobs .. menu item to delete selected Jobs is dimmed??