I've been using Apple Script below for gathering every title & url of opening tab from browser window.
It's been works fine for a few years but it's failed recently (maybe in last two weeks).
#!/usr/bin/env osascript -l JavaScript
// url.js
function run(arg) {
arg = arg.toString()
let browser = ''
switch(arg) {
case 'chrome':
browser = 'Google Chrome'
case 'edge':
browser = "Microsoft Edge"
browser = 'Google Chrome'
Application(browser).windows().forEach((window) => {
window.tabs().forEach((tab) => {
const url = tab.url()
const name = tab.name()
It's been works like below (imagine that you open https://example.com on edge)
$ url.js edge
example.com https://example.com
But I found it failed today.
$ url.js edge
execution error: Error: Error: Application isn't running. (-600)
of course I'm make sure Edge browser up and running. Same error for Chrome.
I keep my environments(os, browser etc) up-to-date but I don't know which updates affects here.
Any thoughts or helps are welcome.
MacBook Pro M2
Sonoma 14.2.1
Edge 122
Chrome 122