




Reply to Does de-listing an app on AppStore Connect make it's name available for use again?
See ASC Help: Remove an appAnd yes, changing the name requires an update.If you choose to 'Remove', it be sure to act quick before that name get pulled back out of the pool before someone else. >1. Release B with a slightly different name >2. De-list A when we're ready >3. Re-publish B with a corrected nameUsing a name variant is a common approach, and one that might be the path of least resistance in your example.Depends on which one takes less procedural hoop jumping with the corp, I suppose πŸ˜‰
Mar ’20
Reply to App store rejected my app and said we discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad running iOS 13.3.1 on Wi-Fi.
Sorry, can't tell if you're making some sort of report, or asking a question, or....?As well, that code fragment is useless when it's just one line. Thanks for making that markup, but please try to reformat it. Ask if you need help with that.If you're asking for help, try to describe what you did, what happened, what you expected to happen and how those differ.As for rejections:Did you appeal?If so, what did you say?How many times?How many rejections?What did each rejection say?Were you told to make changes to meta data and not re-submit another build?Were you told to resubmit?** Note these are simply questions to learn more details about what’s transpired to this point, not suggestions on what you should do next.-=-Ref: For Best Results - Read the Label
Mar ’20
Reply to iOS 13 - Detect if there is a possibility to change application language from Settings.
Apple decides what is/isn't good, not us lowly devsAs well, Apple trains users to expect consistent UI behavior with the expectation of lower frustration vs. an inconsistent experience.See the iOS Human Interface Guidelines for details, etc.If you feel something about iOS should be changed and/or have a feature/enhancement request, note that users can feedback via - Devs, and individuals using betas, are free to use the Feedback Assistant via the 'Report Bugs' link, below right.About checking, see: ttps:// luck.
Mar ’20
Reply to Bluetooth 5 long range?
>weird, right?Not to me. Betas are transitory by definition. Apple has all it can do to track releases. If you want actionable/something you can get your teeth into, otherwise, you may want to avoid betas and stick with release versions, instead.I don't believe there are public facing OS (vs. API) change logs, especially for betas.
Mar ’20