




Why AreaMark doesn't work where BarMark and PointMark works perfectly?
I'm trying to visualize some data using AreaMark of Swift Charts, however, different data structures seem to affect the result. Really confused here. The following two example structs hold the same data, but in different ways: import SwiftUI import Charts struct Food: Identifiable { let name: String let sales: Int let day: Int let id = UUID() init(name: String, sales: Int, day: Int) { = name self.sales = sales = day } } struct Sales: Identifiable { let day: Int let burger: Int let salad: Int let steak: Int let id = UUID() var total: Int { burger + salad + steak } init(day: Int, burger: Int, salad: Int, steak: Int) { = day self.burger = burger self.salad = salad self.steak = steak } } Now if I populate data and use Swift Charts to plot the data, the first struct works perfectly with all types of charts. However, the second struct, while works well with BarMark and PointMark, doesn't seem to work with AreaMark. To reproduce, change "AreaMark" to "BarMark" or "PointMark" in the following code: struct ExperimentView: View { let cheeseburgerSalesByItem: [Food] = [ .init(name: "Burger", sales: 29, day: 1), .init(name: "Salad", sales: 35, day: 1), .init(name: "Steak", sales: 30, day: 1), .init(name: "Burger", sales: 32, day: 2), .init(name: "Salad", sales: 38, day: 2), .init(name: "Steak", sales: 42, day: 2), .init(name: "Burger", sales: 35, day: 3), .init(name: "Salad", sales: 29, day: 3), .init(name: "Steak", sales: 41, day: 3), .init(name: "Burger", sales: 29, day: 4), .init(name: "Salad", sales: 38, day: 4), .init(name: "Steak", sales: 39, day: 4), .init(name: "Burger", sales: 43, day: 5), .init(name: "Salad", sales: 42, day: 5), .init(name: "Steak", sales: 30, day: 5), .init(name: "Burger", sales: 45, day: 6), .init(name: "Salad", sales: 39, day: 6), .init(name: "Steak", sales: 31, day: 6), .init(name: "Burger", sales: 37, day: 7), .init(name: "Salad", sales: 35, day: 7), .init(name: "Steak", sales: 30, day: 7), ] let cheeseburgerSalesByDay: [Sales] = [ .init(day: 1, burger: 29, salad: 35, steak: 30), .init(day: 2, burger: 32, salad: 38, steak: 42), .init(day: 3, burger: 35, salad: 29, steak: 41), .init(day: 4, burger: 29, salad: 38, steak: 39), .init(day: 5, burger: 43, salad: 42, steak: 30), .init(day: 6, burger: 45, salad: 39, steak: 31), .init(day: 7, burger: 37, salad: 35, steak: 30) ] var body: some View { VStack { Chart(cheeseburgerSalesByItem) { sale in AreaMark( x: .value("Day",, y: .value("Sales", sale.sales) ) .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Food Item", } .chartXScale(domain: 1...7) .padding() Spacer() Chart(cheeseburgerSalesByDay) { sale in AreaMark( x: .value("Day",, y: .value("Burger", sale.burger) ) .foregroundStyle(.brown) AreaMark( x: .value("Day",, y: .value("Salad", sale.salad) ) .foregroundStyle(.green) AreaMark( x: .value("Day",, y: .value("Steak", sale.steak) ) .foregroundStyle(.red) } .padding() } } } If two of the three AreaMarks are commented out, the left one would work. Just more than one AreaMark plots don't work for this struct. So what is the problem here? What to do if I want to use the second structure and plot a AreaMark chart?
Jan ’24
Swift Charts: How to prevent scroll position jump when loading more data dynamically
I'm implementing infinite scrolling with Swift Charts where additional historical data loads when scrolling near the beginning of the dataset. However, when new data is loaded, the chart's scroll position jumps unexpectedly. Current behavior: Initially loads 10 data points, displaying the latest 5 When scrolling backwards with only 3 points remaining off-screen, triggers loading of 10 more historical points After loading, the scroll position jumps to the 3rd position of the new dataset instead of maintaining the current view Expected behavior: Scroll position should remain stable when new data is loaded User's current view should not change during data loading Here's my implementation logic using some mock data: import SwiftUI import Charts struct DataPoint: Identifiable { let id = UUID() let date: Date let value: Double } class ChartViewModel: ObservableObject { @Published var dataPoints: [DataPoint] = [] private var isLoading = false init() { loadMoreData() } func loadMoreData() { guard !isLoading else { return } isLoading = true let newData = self.generateDataPoints( endDate: self.dataPoints.first?.date ?? Date(), count: 10 ) self.dataPoints.insert(contentsOf: newData, at: 0) self.isLoading = false print("\(dataPoints.count) data points.") } private func generateDataPoints(endDate: Date, count: Int) -> [DataPoint] { var points: [DataPoint] = [] let calendar = Calendar.current for i in 0..<count { let date = byAdding: .day, value: -i, to: endDate ) ?? endDate let value = Double.random(in: 0...100) points.append(DataPoint(date: date, value: value)) } return points.sorted { $ < $ } } } struct ScrollableChart: View { @StateObject private var viewModel = ChartViewModel() @State private var scrollPosition: Date @State private var scrollDebounceTask: Task<Void, Never>? init() { self.scrollPosition = .now.addingTimeInterval(-4*24*3600) } var body: some View { Chart(viewModel.dataPoints) { point in BarMark( x: .value("Time",, unit: .day), y: .value("Value", point.value) ) } .chartScrollableAxes(.horizontal) .chartXVisibleDomain(length: 5 * 24 * 3600) .chartScrollPosition(x: $scrollPosition) .chartXScale(domain: .automatic(includesZero: false)) .frame(height: 300) .onChange(of: scrollPosition) { oldPosition, newPosition in scrollDebounceTask?.cancel() scrollDebounceTask = Task { try? await Task.sleep(for: .milliseconds(300)) if !Task.isCancelled { checkAndLoadMoreData(currentPosition: newPosition) } } } } private func checkAndLoadMoreData(currentPosition: Date?) { guard let currentPosition, let earliestDataPoint = viewModel.dataPoints.first?.date else { return } let timeInterval = currentPosition.timeIntervalSince(earliestDataPoint) if timeInterval <= 3 * 24 * 3600 { viewModel.loadMoreData() } } } I attempted to compensate for this jump by adding: scrollPosition = scrollPosition.addingTimeInterval(10 * 24 * 3600) after viewModel.loadMoreData(). However, this caused the chart to jump in the opposite direction by 10 days, rather than maintaining the current position. What's the problem with my code and how to fix it?