




Continued connection failure after server connection failure while local network permission pop-up is displayed
We are trying to connect to Webdav. The file server is in the same network. So when we try to connect, the local network permission pop-up is displayed. If the input information is incorrect in the first login attempt when this permission pop-up is displayed, After that, even after fixing the normal connection, we cannot connect or log in with the message "NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1009", "Internet connection is offline." This symptom seems to persist even after rebooting or deleting and deleting the app in the actual distributed app. If you re-debug while debugging Xcode, you can connect normally. (If you do not re-debug, it fails even if you enter the connection information normally.) And it affects local connection, so you cannot connect to any local network server such as SMB or FTP. Also, you cannot browse the server list within the local network. (SMB) Is there a way to initialize the local network status within the app to improve this phenomenon? I tried turning Airplane mode ON/OFF, turning Wi-Fi ON/OFF, and turning local network permissions ON/OFF, but it did not work. Also, this phenomenon seems to be a Sandbox for each app. When connecting to the same local server from an app installed on the same iPhone/iPad device, the above phenomenon does not occur if the first connection is successful. ** Summary ** If you fail to connect to a server on your local network, then you will continue to fail to connect to the local server. This happens even when local network permissions are allowed. The error message is NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1009 The current device is an iPhone device running iOS 18.1.1.
Dec ’24
Crash occurs in both @MainActor classes and functions on iOS 14
Crash occurs in @MainActor class or function in iOS 14 Apps built and distributed targeting Xcode 16 version swift6 crash on iOS 14 devices. We create a static library and put it in our app's library. Crash occurs in all classes or functions of the static library (@MainActor in front). It does not occur from iOS / iPadOS 15. If you change the minimum supported version of the static library to iOS 11, a crash occurs, and if you change it to iOS 14, a crash does not occur. Is there a way to keep the minimum version of the static library at iOS 11 and prevent crashes?
Nov ’24
Question about installing and migrating apps from the App Store for apps deleted by developers
I have an app that I've been using for over 10 years now. When I searched for that app on the App Store, it didn't show up. (both in the US, Japan, and Korean stores) There's a phenomenon where the app crashes and dies when performing a specific function. So I'm trying to develop an app that's very similar to that app. When I migrate or restore after changing or initializing my device, the previously installed app is installed on the home screen. There are several apps that don't show up on the App Store and seem to have been removed by the developer. Some apps have a blank icon image on the home screen, and when you click on them, a pop-up appears saying that they can't be installed and asks if you want to delete the icon. Some apps are still installed. Some functions are broken because the developer stopped maintaining them for a long time. They can't be searched on the store either. What are the differences and similarities between these two apps?
Nov ’24
iPhone mirroring screen switching (request & question)
iPhone mirroring is available from macOS 15. When running an app with iPhone mirroring Can I know whether the app currently being mirrored is running at the top of the Mac app or screen? Or is there a way to know whether it is hidden by another app on the Mac or re-displayed? If not, I hope it will be added in a future update. And I hope there is an API that can tell whether the current app is connected to iPhone mirroring or not.
Nov ’24
iPhone Mirroring UITextView Selectable
iPhone mirroring function has been added to this macOS. I am also currently using the iPhone mirroring function. However, when isSelectable is set to true in UITextView and isEditable is set to false (isScrollEnabled is also set to false.) Editing is not possible, but selection is possible. (In non-mirroring mode) But in iPhone mirroring mode, selection is not possible Is there an option for UITextView that allows text selection or a separate setting in macOS? Or can this be fixed in the iPhone mirroring app when macOS is updated in the future? (If it is a bug or error?) It seems to work normally in cases where UITextView is used but Edit is possible, such as in the memo app.
Nov ’24
Delete the Documents path of the app
Delete the Documents path of the app Will the files or folders in the documentDirectory path or applicationSupportDirectory path disappear or be deleted when the OS is updated? I know that sometimes all the files in the cachesDirectory path are deleted when the OS is updated or the device is rebooted. Sometimes, users of my app report that all the files in the documentDirectory path or applicationSupportDirectory path are deleted or disappear, or all the files are deleted and initialized. I thought that the files or folders in the documentDirectory path or applicationSupportDirectory path were not affected by the OS update, but am I wrong?
Oct ’24
Apple silicon Macs support issue
After building the app for TextFlight, I uploaded it. After that, I initially received the following message via email. "ITMS-90899: Macs with Apple silicon support issue - The app isn‘t compatible with the provided minimum macOS version of 11.0. It can run on macOS 12.0 or later. Please specify an LSMinimumSystemVersion value of 12.0 or later in a new build, or select a compatible version in App Store Connect." So I added "LSMinimumSystemVersion" to info.plist, increased the version, and uploaded it again. Next "ITMS-90863: Macs with Apple silicon support issue - The app links with libraries that aren’t present in macOS: /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCloudKit.dylib @rpath/libswiftCloudKit.dylib" I received an issue email like the above. The app has supported Mac (Designed by iPad) so far. This time, this issue occurs after building in Xcode 16.0 / MacBook OS 14.6.1. The app being built supports at least iOS 14. We cannot uncheck it because we must support "Mac (Designed by iPad)" in the future. This issue did not occur in the initial upload and distribution. It occurred after deleting all files in the ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData path and rebuilding the project. Is this an Xcode bug that will be fixed in the next update? Or is there a separate solution?
Oct ’24
Build issue when creating an Apple Watch standalone app archive
Build issue when creating an Apple Watch standalone app archive This is an Apple Watch standalone app. (Without an iPhone app) Even if you create an Apple Watch standalone app as a new project in Xcode, two targets are created: "iPhone target + Apple Watch target". The iPhone target cannot be built or modified. Usually, builds or archives are created with the Apple Watch target. It's been a while since I updated the app, so I tried to fix it, add new features, and update it. When I created an archive, the version kept being created as 1.0 - 1. I entered 1.1 - 8 for the Apple Watch target. In the previous Xcode version, when I clearly modified the version and build version of the Apple Watch target, it was reflected in the archive file. However, in the current Xcode, it is not reflected. Does anyone know how we can fix this issue?
Aug ’24
Specific Bluetooth speaker issue
Are there any cases where when connected to a specific Bluetooth device on an iPhone or iPad, the Bluetooth device connected at the same time is frequently disconnected or the app connected via CoreBluetooth is disconnected? Our app connects to an iPhone or iPad and connects to CoreBluetooth API to perform specific functions or operations. When a JBL Bluetooth speaker is connected, the connection is automatically disconnected during operation. When the JBL Bluetooth speaker is disconnected, the Bluetooth connection between our apps is not disconnected. It does not happen on all iPhones or iPads, but it seems to happen on some devices. Our app users are experiencing this issue with JBL Bluetooth speakers. So we are trying to replicate this phenomenon with our Bluetooth speaker, but it doesn't work. Has anyone else experienced something similar? I am wondering if this phenomenon can occur.
Jul ’24
Music app stops playing when switching to the background
Music app stops playing when switching to the background In apps that play music or music files, if you move to the home screen or run another app while the app is running, the music playback stops. Our app does not have the code to stop playing when switching to the background. We are guessing that some people experience this and others do not. We usually guide users to reboot their devices and try again. How can this phenomenon be improved in the code? Or is this a bug or error in the OS?
Jul ’24
Crash in Xcode code review
Crash in Xcode code review When you enable Enable Code Review in the upper right corner of Xcode, Xcode crashes or loads infinitely. I don't think this problem existed in previous versions of Xcode, but it is very serious in the current version 15.4. It doesn't crash in all parts of Code Review, but Xcode crashes or loads infinitely in certain parts. I really hope this will be fixed in the next Xcode version. It happens so often that I'm going crazy. Seriously Especially if there are many or wide changes in the swift file, the crash occurs in that part.
Jun ’24
File transfer to watch fails after OS update
When transferring files from iPhone to Watch, if you run the app and try to transfer after updating the OS, the transfer may not be possible. (or transmission seems to be too slow) Just completely close the app, restart it, and try again. Does anyone know the cause or solution to this problem? It happened after the last 17.5 update and today after the 17.5.1 update. The app doesn't crash or anything, and it doesn't happen often, so I didn't send any feedback or anything, but it's strange.
May ’24
File transfer issue from iPhone to Watch after iOS 17.5 & WatchOS 10.5 update
After updating to iOS 17.5 & WatchOS 10.5, the didFinish response from WCSessionDelegate does not come when transferring files from iPhone to Watch. It worked normally until 17.4 & 10.4. There is no problem with checking file completion even if a didFinish response is not received, but I think Apple needs to check this issue and update. File transfer is done using the transferFile function of WCSession. The file being transferred is a single file and its size does not exceed 30MB. When you try to transfer Pi, the message below appears in the Xcode log section. -[WCFileStorage persistOutgoingFileTransfer:] error serializing file transfer <WCSessionFileTransfer: 0x300155d60, session file: <WCSessionFile: 0x3001575c0, identifier: 0C8857EC-7D74-4E78-BA28-6C5526DE8949, file: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/DD797847-DED1-42C0-989F-34CD05825007/tmp/, hasMetadata: YES>, transferring: YES> due to Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4866 "Caught exception during archival: This object may only be encoded by an NSXPCCoder. ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x000000019b064f2c 00E76A98-210C-3CB5-930B-F236807FF24C + 540460 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000192ef6018 objc_exception_throw + 60 2 Foundation 0x0000000199fe7778 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 1419128 3 Foundation 0x0000000199ea0e14 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 81428 4 WatchConnectivity 0x000000021d055f60 1AB4DDD6-9238-3965-B744-819F2916C8CC + 126816 5 Foundation 0x0000000199ea0e14 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 81428 6 WatchConnectivity 0x000000021d0567f0 1AB4DDD6-9238-3965-B744-819F2916C8CC + 129008 7 Foundation 0x0000000199ea0e14 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 81428 8 Foundation 0x0000000199f30628 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 669224 9 WatchConnectivity 0x000000021d0583ac 1AB4DDD6-9238-3965-B744-819F2916C8CC + 136108 10 WatchConnectivity 0x000000021d04390c 1AB4DDD6-9238-3965-B744-819F2916C8CC + 51468 11 WatchConnectivity 0x000000021d046640 1AB4DDD6-9238-3965-B744-819F2916C8CC + 63040 12 Foundation 0x0000000199ea9be0 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 117728 13 Foundation 0x0000000199ea9aa0 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 117408 14 Foundation 0x0000000199ea98a0 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 116896 15 Foundation 0x0000000199ea7b40 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 109376 16 Foundation 0x0000000199f2c558 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 652632 17 Foundation 0x0000000199f2c1a4 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 651684 18 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105ed7764 _dispatch_block_async_invoke2 + 148 19 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105ec67bc _dispatch_client_callout + 20 20 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105ec98e0 _dispatch_continuation_pop + 676 21 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105ec8bb8 _dispatch_async_redirect_invoke + 680 22 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105edaae4 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 404 23 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105edb4d8 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 188 24 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001f7ebb8f8 _pthread_wqthread + 228 25 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001f7eb80cc start_wqthread + 8 )" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Caught exception during archival: This object may only be encoded by an NSXPCCoder. ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x000000019b064f2c 00E76A98-210C-3CB5-930B-F236807FF24C + 540460 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000192ef6018 objc_exception_throw + 60 2 Foundation 0x0000000199fe7778 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 1419128 3 Foundation 0x0000000199ea0e14 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 81428 4 WatchConnectivity 0x000000021d055f60 1AB4DDD6-9238-3965-B744-819F2916C8CC + 126816 5 Foundation 0x0000000199ea0e14 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 81428 6 WatchConnectivity 0x000000021d0567f0 1AB4DDD6-9238-3965-B744-819F2916C8CC + 129008 7 Foundation 0x0000000199ea0e14 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 81428 8 Foundation 0x0000000199f30628 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 669224 9 WatchConnectivity 0x000000021d0583ac 1AB4DDD6-9238-3965-B744-819F2916C8CC + 136108 10 WatchConnectivity 0x000000021d04390c 1AB4DDD6-9238-3965-B744-819F2916C8CC + 51468 11 WatchConnectivity 0x000000021d046640 1AB4DDD6-9238-3965-B744-819F2916C8CC + 63040 12 Foundation 0x0000000199ea9be0 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 117728 13 Foundation 0x0000000199ea9aa0 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 117408 14 Foundation 0x0000000199ea98a0 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 116896 15 Foundation 0x0000000199ea7b40 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 109376 16 Foundation 0x0000000199f2c558 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 652632 17 Foundation 0x0000000199f2c1a4 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 651684 18 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105ed7764 _dispatch_block_async_invoke2 + 148 19 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105ec67bc _dispatch_client_callout + 20 20 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105ec98e0 _dispatch_continuation_pop + 676 21 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105ec8bb8 _dispatch_async_redirect_invoke + 680 22 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105edaae4 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 404 23 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105edb4d8 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 188 24 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001f7ebb8f8 _pthread_wqthread + 228 25 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001f7eb80cc start_wqthread + 8 )}
May ’24
Questions about isExcludedFromBackup option and device migration
Questions about isExcludedFromBackup option and device migration I posted a similar question a year ago, but I still haven't found a solution that I like, so I'm leaving this question. If anyone knows how, please let me know. In our app, we set the isExcludedFromBackup option to true so that files currently in the Documents path are not backed up to iCloud. In the current situation, I am just curious as to whether the files of our app can be backed up in the two situations below. (with isExcludedFromBackup option set to true ) Migrate iPhone to new iPhone Backup and restore the entire device to iTunes If you set the isExcludedFromBackup option to true in the file, iCloud backup will not be possible, and the app's internal files will not be copied even in the two situations mentioned above. Is there an option or method in the app's internal code to prevent automatic backup only to iCloud and allow files to be copied or synchronized in the above two situations?
Apr ’24
Is there a way for the app currently playing music or voice in the background to know when a Critical Alert or push comes?
Is there a way for the app currently playing music or voice in the background to know when a Critical Alert or push comes? Currently, my app contains code that stops playback when a call comes in while music or voice is playing in the background. So, if a call comes in during playback, it stops normally. However, there is a phenomenon in which playback cannot be stopped when a Critical Alert or push comes. When a Critical Alert or push comes to the device, is there a way in the code for the app currently playing music or voice in the background or foreground to know at that moment? We are not sending out Critical Alerts or pushes. I would like to know how to resolve the situation when receiving a Critical Alert or push sent to all users in one country.
Mar ’24