




Can an app be seen as a trigger device on Homekit?
Suppose I want to create a dummy switch for HomeKit using an app. I run the app for the first time, the app registers itself as a dummy switch and all accessories see the app as an OFF switch. The following day, I run the app again and turn the dummy switch ON. All accessories that were monitoring the status of that switch, adjusted themselves accordingly, run their automations and so on. Can an app do that in iOS, macOS, iPadOS, watchOS, etc.? If so, can you point me in the right direction?
Oct ’24
Invalid Binary, no reason given
I have uploaded 5 binaries to the app store, intending to publish it, not to test it. Every time I do, the builds appear inside TestFlight marked as “invalid binary”. Why do they appear on TestFlight is a mystery... I have uploaded it by two methods, Xcode and xcrun altool. The app passes the validation. No reason is given, no email received from Apple. I have contacted Apple two days ago, and as expected, no answer. How can I discover what is going on?
Apr ’24
FTP connections don't work on Sonoma for most FTP clients
I was a user of ForkLift FTP v3.58 but that app stopped working on Sonoma and the company will not update it, because I suppose, they want to push you to buy their upgrade. I tried to connect to my servers (two different servers on two different hosting companies). ForkLift did not work on Sonoma. Then I tried CyberDuck. It works fine. Not even trying FTP or SFTP through terminal works on Sonoma. So, it is a Sonoma problem.
Nov ’23
Is there any notification sent by the system when files are airdropped to macOS?
AVFoundation have these notifications like AVCaptureDeviceWasConnected, AVCaptureDeviceWasDisconnected, AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTime, AVPlayerItemFailedToPlayToEndTime, etc., that inform if a device was connected or disconnected, if the video paused, stop, ended, etc. Is there some similar for airdrop? I means if files are airdropped, which files were airdropped, etc? I need to receive a list of files that were airdropped to macOS when that happens. Is that possible to know that, by notifications or other means?
Jul ’22