I am using SFSafariViewController to process payments via a Stripe checkout URL. Once the payment is completed, the user is redirected to a success URL. I have also added associated domains for deep linking. Below is my implementation:
func presentCheckout(url: String) {
let checkoutURL = URL(string: url)!
safariVC = SFSafariViewController(url: checkoutURL)
safariVC.delegate = self
self.present(safariVC, animated: true)
// Delegate method implementations
func safariViewControllerDidFinish(_ controller: SFSafariViewController) {
print("SafariViewController dismissed")
// Handle dismissal
func safariViewController(_ controller: SFSafariViewController, initialLoadDidRedirectTo URL: URL) {
if URL.absoluteString.contains("xsworld/payment/stripe/checkout/success") {
controller.dismiss(animated: true) {
if URL.absoluteString.contains("/v1/resources/xsworld/payment/stripe/checkout") {
name: Notification.Name("StripePaymentStatus"),
object: nil,
userInfo: ["url": URL]
} else if URL.absoluteString.contains("xsworld/payment/stripe/checkout/cancel") {
// Handle failure
name: Notification.Name("StripePaymentStatus"),
object: nil,
userInfo: ["url": URL]
func safariViewController(_ controller: SFSafariViewController, didCompleteInitialLoad didLoadSuccessfully: Bool) {
if didLoadSuccessfully {
print("Initial page loaded successfully")
} else {
print("Initial page load failed")
The safariViewController(_:initialLoadDidRedirectTo:) method does not always get called after the payment is completed. Sometimes it works as expected, and sometimes it does not trigger at all.
What I’ve Tried:
Ensuring the associated domains for deep linking are correctly set up.
Checking the success and failure URLs.
Debugging to see if the redirect happens but is not detected.
What I Need Help With:
I want to ensure that the redirection always works after the payment process is completed, whether through deep linking or another reliable approach. How can I guarantee that my app correctly detects and handles the redirect every time?
Any guidance or best practices would be greatly appreciated.
I want to monitor again from the bellow function of DeviceActivityMonitorExtension. I have the function of startMonitoring like this.
override func eventDidReachThreshold(_ event: DeviceActivityEvent.Name, activity: DeviceActivityName) {
super.eventDidReachThreshold(event, activity: activity)
public func startMonitoring() {
let startTime = DateComponents(hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0)
let endTime = DateComponents(hour: 23, minute: 59, second: 59)//DateComponents(hour: 11, minute: 0, second: 0)//
let schedule = DeviceActivitySchedule(
intervalStart: startTime,//DateComponents(hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0),
intervalEnd: endTime,
repeats: true
//warningTime: DateComponents(minute:1)
let selection: FamilyActivitySelection = savedSelection() ?? FamilyActivitySelection()
let center = DeviceActivityCenter()
let selections = self.savedSelection() ?? FamilyActivitySelection()
let applications = selections.applicationTokens
let categories = selections.categoryTokens
let webCategories = selections.webDomainTokens
let store = ManagedSettingsStore()
store.shield.applicationCategories = ShieldSettings.ActivityCategoryPolicy.specific(categories, except: Set())
store.shield.applications = applications
store.shield.webDomains = webCategories
let scheduleHard = DeviceActivitySchedule(
intervalStart: startTime,//DateComponents(hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0),
intervalEnd: endTime,
repeats: true
//warningTime: DateComponents(minute:1)
let event = DeviceActivityEvent(
applications: selection.applicationTokens,
categories: selection.categoryTokens,
webDomains: selection.webDomainTokens,
threshold: DateComponents(minute: 0)//timeLimitToUseApp i.e for 15 mins
do {
try center.startMonitoring( .weekend,
during: scheduleHard,
events: [
.weekend: event,
print("ScreenTime Monitoring Started")
} catch let error {
Please provide us with a solution about starting monitoring from DeviceActivityMonitoringExtension's eventDidReachThreshold function or if there is any other way.