I am developing an app to stream and download DRM protected HLS videos based on the official “FairPlay Streaming Server SDK”.
When I play the downloaded video, it asks the server for .ts or .aac, even though I have passed the path of the downloaded video to AVURLAsset.
As a result, playback fails when the device is offline, such as in airplane mode.
This behavior depends on the playback time of the video and occurs when trying to download and play a video with a playback time of 19 hours or more.
It did not occur for videos with a playback time of 18 hours.
The environment we checked is iOS 18.3.
The solution at this time is to limit the video playback time to 18 hours, but if possible, we would like to allow download playback of videos longer than 19 hours.
Does anyone have any information or know of a solution to this problem, such as if you have experienced this type of event, or if you know that content longer than 19 hours cannot be played offline?
// load
let path = ".../***.movpkg" // Path of the downloaded file
videoAsset = AVURLAsset(url: path)
playerItem = AVPlayerItem(asset: videoAsset!)
player.replaceCurrentItem(with: playerItem)
// isPlayableOffline
print("videoAsset.assetCache.isPlayableOffline = \(videoAsset.assetCache.isPlayableOffline)") // true
When streaming HLS files in the iPhone/iPad browser only on iOS 16.5, the bit rate does not switch. The lowest quality bitrate is always selected regardless of the communication environment.
This does not occur on iOS16.4 and iOS16.6(beta) in the same communication environment and on the same device, and the bitrate switches according to network conditions.
Has anyone else experienced a similar event?
Also, does anyone know how to remedy this issue?