TLDR: I’m searching for a possibility to allow the usage of passkeys and hardware keys for any website in a wkwebview
INFO: The browser is macOS ONLY
Hi, I couldn’t really find documentation or forums posts on how to implement Webauthn for signin or hardware security keys for a second factor. Or rather where those events are triggered to be handled. In Safari you have that popover, that lets you either authenticate through Passwords or with a security key.
When I visit for testing and click either register or authenticate I get
Told not to present authorization sheet: Error Code=1 "(null)"
ASAuthorizationController credential request failed with error: Error Code=1004 "(null)"
If I add
func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didReceive challenge: URLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler: @escaping @MainActor (URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition, URLCredential?) -> Void)
func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, authenticationChallenge challenge: URLAuthenticationChallenge, shouldAllowDeprecatedTLS decisionHandler: @escaping @MainActor (Bool) -> Void)
it doesn’t seem to change anything.
I found something about the ASWebAuthenticationSessionWebBrowserSupported entitlement, but by my understanding this is used so a browser can get opened upon some other app calling a ASWebAuthenticationSession.
Has anyone some guidance for me? I feel like webauthn and yubikey support are important security measures for our users.
is the code for my webviewmodel.
Delegates are in the Delecate folder
How to handle it? regular downloads I already go working through Navigation and download delegates
I want to embed song previews in my app when a user shares an apple music link. While using MusikKit getting previews seems to require access to the iCloud Music library, even though I‘m not shure how this is related, since I‘m not acessing user data. Is there any possibility that makes the preview work while neither requiring access to the users library nor a signed jwt?