Thanks raised a support ticket and referenced this thread.
Project Format shows 16.0, I have also tried dropping it down to 15.3, but got the same error.
Error "GitHub installation was incomplete. Repository was not found. Either the repository does not exist or you do not have permission to access it. Learn More" when I try to setup in Xcode. when clicking thru to grant access to the gitrepo. I am the owner of the gitrepo.
Looking at access on gitHub, I don't see any Apple related account .. what account is needed to be added for xcode cloud.
the full git repo is located at
Thanks I will take a quick look and see if the state issue is it. Appreciate they quick response!
OK solved it. Updated to 15.0.1 and saw that CFBundleShortVersionString was missing on one of my targets (sigh)
I have reviewed and agreed to all agreements (no outstanding agreements) and I still get the crashes. -nvm = OK solved it. Updated to 15.0.1 and saw that CFBundleShortVersionString was missing on one of my targets (sigh)
I am getting this same crash with the GA of Xcode version 15.0 (15A240d), but only with my WatchOS app, the same version of the app I wrote for iOS, macOS, and tvOS all upload fine.
Yeah, also I found an online tutorial (already ;) ) that shows the issue for my syncing was that the Items was not optional. Changing it to optional, allowed me to remove all the above code and just use the default template as is. So since what I am trying to do is pretty simple, I will stick with
WindowGroup {
.modelContainer(for: Item.self)
As that seems to work.
Interesting, Downloaded the project from the session and it does not match what was in the presentation,
struct TripsApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.modelContainer(for: [Trip.self, BucketListItem.self, LivingAccommodation.self])
Is thow they do it, guess I need to go thru the project in more detail. btw, the var example above also fails with the message "No exact matches in call to initializer"
I am getting a page not found based on that link...
I am seeing this same behavior... Were you able to solve this? - Also, I just let the debugger run for a long time and am also seeing - DBF9ED19-F129-4E9A-87AF-506037A1471D:( = <CKError 0x2817a8360: "Limit Exceeded" (27/2023); server message = "Database commit size exceeds limit"; op = 2620365C68BE73BC; uuid = B0AC639F-7FDB-44FA-8474-08D102948BA2>
Did you figure this one out? I am struggling with the same issue in a LazyVGrid