




Cannot build a project when both Xcode 15 & Xcode 16 are installed
I wanted to try running my project using Xcode 16 - I am using beta 4.It seems I cannot have both Xcode 15 & 16 installed at the same time. I have a project with visionOS & iOS build targets. The following error occurs in Xcode 16: /Applications/ redefinition of module 'SwiftBridging' I did try removing Xcode 15 as a test & that worked but that is not a solution. Is there a way I can have both apps installed?
Jul ’24
Using a scene from Reality Composer Pro in an IOS app?
I am trying to establish a workflow with using Reality Composer Pro to make scenes - I am grey boxing a scene using primitives at the moment. I have set up a cube with a texture material and a simple animation to spin. I am confused as to what I should be loading. I have created what I think is a scene asset in the package for the Reality Composer Project. Here is a code snippet: struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { RealityView { content in do { let scene = try await ModelEntity(named: "HOF") content.add(scene) } catch { print("Error loading scene: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } } } Here is the project layout in Reality Composer Pro:
Jun ’24
bug visionOS and the storyboard key in the plist?
I have an older app that is a mix of Swift & Objective-C. I have 2 groups of storyboards for the iPhone and the iPad using storyboard references. There seems to be a bug, when using the Simulator, it is loading the storyboard specified by the key "Main storyboard file base name" and not using the key "Main storyboard file base name (iPad)". I did change the first key to use the iPad storyboard & it then worked as expected in the visionOS simulator. The raw keys are: UIMainStoryboardFile UIMainStoryboardFile~ipad What should I do?
Jul ’23
Using SCNTechnique with AR Kit to create a chromatic aberration visual effect?
I have been reading up on creating metal filters & how they can be used with SCNTechnique to apply a post processing effect with AR Kit. I can get the basic effects working following other examples. I would like to use filters that were made by FlexMonkey some years ago; I see they are C programs in a way. E.g: Is there way a to adapt such filter to be used with a metal shader? I am quite willing to watch any relevant WWDC videos to learn how to do this. Ideally, I want to apply a chromatic aberration effect that will shift the RGB color position using a time uniform. For reference:
Mar ’21
WatchKit OS 4 & loading scene kit file (SCN) error
I working on of proof of concept app to load some 3D shapes & display them on a Apple Watch using SceneKit. I am using an Apple Watch series one running Watch OS 4 Beta 3 & get the following error ar run-time:failed to unarchive scene at file: (omitted) food.scnassets/burger.scn (*** -[SCNKeyedUnarchiver decodeInt32ForKey:]: value (9223372036854775807) for key (primitiveRangeLocation) too large to fit in 32-bit integer)This also happens in the simualtor. This does not happen when I use Xcode 8.3.3 and a watch simlauor for Watch OS 3.2 with same project. And I can also load the SCN file on an iPhone running the iOS 11 Beta Anyone else having this problem? I should add that I am creating the SCN file by converting a DAE file within Xcode.
Jul ’17