




Reply to Payments are on hold?? Apple skip my monthly payment 😡
This happens when you lock features behind a paywall the user wants access to. They pay, they get use of the feature, and then request a refund. If this happens in high volumes where the refunds exceed the total revenue, the above situation will arise, which means you have a wrong business model. Apple should provide an option where the developer can top up their app's sales balance, just like an overdrawn bank, to release it from the hold they place on the account or provide developers with an option not to offer refunds.
Nov ’24
Reply to How can I make my multi-window Catalyst app restore window size and position after closing with stoplight button?
UI Restoration Restoring your App's State Preserving your App's State Always remember that your MacCatalyst is an iOS app running on the Mac, not natively.
Oct ’24
Reply to SizeClasses, really?
Sad to say, the rationale behind this documented quirk and its unexplained reason for Pro vs Pro Max Devices can be found here:
Oct ’24