Is Xcode 14.3 going to be a Universal build or just Apple Silicon? 96 Hangs.
Updating to macOS 13.3 - Previously Compatible WiFi network is now not compatible due to iCloud Relay. These changes were not mentioned in the release notes and if this is intended behaviour is iCloud Private Relay be deprecated? Then the magSafe light is now burning red on a full charged battery after the reboot.
Latest Xcode 14.3 beta 3 Watch OS & tvOS sims are not compatible with the beta 3 release
So recently, Xcode has been stuck on launch, and the only way for it to launch is to kill the core simulator process or keep trying to launch until it eventually starts. Has anyone experienced this?
Xcode 14.2
macOS 12.6.3
MacBook Pro.
Access to these forums should be based on paid agreements on file to the Apple Developer Program, and this will prevent these social engineers from trying to game the board and members with junk. Apple, you pride yourself on security & privacy. How about fixing the access to these forums to only developers with a contract on file and approved students only?
After going to the latest beta of Xcode, the following message has prevented application launch - WatchKit App - Unable to install "App," Please try again later.
Extensionless WatchKit app has a WatchKit extension.
But a newly created project runs without issue.
Does any have insights into this issue for existing projects vs newly created projects under the latest Xcode 14 beta?
Does anyone know where to find the sample project?
@Apple How do you set an iPad swiftUI app to Landscape only seeing that the Xcode supportedInterfaceOrientations flag is ignored by swiftUI.
The following doesn't work via the UIApplicationDelegateAdapter when the 2 methods are implemented.
func application(_ application: UIApplication, supportedInterfaceOrientationsFor window: UIWindow?) -> UIInterfaceOrientationMask {
func supportedInterfaceOrientations(for window: UIWindow?) -> UIInterfaceOrientationMask {
Please run a PR campaign for where non-developers should go to get help. There seems to be some kind of misinformation as to where consumers should go for support and they are all landing in the developer forums flooding the board with non-developer questions making it difficult to help other developers in need.
WatchOS 8.5 release notes opens the tvOS Release notes and
the iPadOS 15.4 release notes opens the watchOS release notes.
macOS app using a TabView, each tab's root view is using a @FetchRequest to populate a List view. while switching between tabs results in 1 ... (n * n) duplicate items on each tab switch. The behaviour is as if the internal update call in response to the SwiftUI view updating is not clearing the previous List view items but is appending to it. How do you clear or empty the List view on/or before every UI update call to the @FetchRequest property wrapper?
WatchOS App only runs via Xcode 13.2.1 & Series 6 sim and when launched directly, crashes on launch due to a "FBSceneErrorDomain", "No scene client exist" error.
macOS - NSApplicationDelegateAdaptor
iOS - UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor
watchOS ?? WKApplicationDelegateAdaptor or WKExtensionsDelegateAdaptor
Any help will be appreciated
I'm seeing an issue where a watch extension was added to an existing iOS app which only runs via Xcode, any attempt to run it without Xcode results in the watchApp closing on launch. Any suggestions on what could be the issue?
Xcode 13.2.1, macOS 11.6.5, WatchOS sim 7.0, deployment target 7.0
Any documentation or examples on the use of @TableColumnBuilder is appreciated.