




Check to make sure iTunes is playing - AppleEvent timed out. (-1712)
Hi folks, I've got some music that I want playing on iTunes all the time on an older system, but it'll sometimes stop. I tried making a Applescript to check and play the music/playlist again if it stops, but I keep getting a timeout error. This is the AppleScript: repeat tell application "iTunes" if player state is paused then tell application "iTunes" to play end if delay 30 end tell end repeat I get this error: AppleEvent timed out. iTunes got an error: AppleEvent timed out. (-1712) I can't figure out why I'm getting a timeout error... anyone have any ideas?
Reverse engineering/decoding Plist data
I have plist files that have around 60K lines of code (per BBEdit), and I'm trying to decode some data points saved in these files. The database company I purchased the software through will not convert my data out to another format (CSV or otherwise) that I can use with a competitor's product, and they will not convert it internally and send me the exported data. I've started to go through and change one value at a time in my program and then look at the plist and see where the change was made, and I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to find out what the integers are referencing? I am not a programmer, though I'm attempting to learn due to this problem I'm experiencing. I've searched for information on how Plists work, and it seems as though the integer value is referencing some place earlier in the plist document, but as I did not write this program, nor do I have access to source or any help from the company, so I'm going to have to reverse engineer this so that I can export the data points I want to save. A royal PITA, but there you have it. CF$UID appears to be a Core Foundation unique identifier, but that's all I've got and I haven't found much info as to what it does or how it works, and the values inside the tags are not those of what I enter in the program. Any suggestions on where to start would be most helpful. <dict> <key>$archiver</key> <string>NSKeyedArchiver</string> <key>$objects</key> <array> ...some 30-40K lines later <dict> <key>$class</key> <dict> <key>CF$UID</key> <integer>153</integer> </dict> <key>stringValue</key> <dict> <key>CF$UID</key> <integer>24</integer> <--- this is the value that's changing for my particular data point I'm interested in. </dict> ... so on and so forth, then at the end, something like this. </array> <key>$top</key> <dict> <key>root</key> <dict> <key>CF$UID</key> <integer>1</integer> </dict> </dict> <key>$version</key> <integer>100000</integer> </dict> </plist> I'm also not used to this Apple Discussion method of just asking a question, but not seeing any forum categories. I'm trying to assign a tag, but tags I see aren't those of what I think I'm asking so I apologize if this is routed to the wrong area, or worse it never gets seen. Why does Apple have a "Overview" page with 15-16 posts on it, vs. discussion forum categories like any other forum? Would make looking for and seeing questions so much easier, unless there's some hidden view preferences I'm missing.
Sep ’21