




Trouble Loading Precompiled Metal Shader (.metallib) into ShaderLibrary
I am currently finalizing my Swift Student Challenge submission, and Metal shaders are an essential part of my app. However, during submission, I noticed a note explaining: "Note: Xcode app playgrounds are run in Simulator", which is not possible for my app, as it also requires the camera of a physical device to function. So, I am currently transferring my app from Xcode into Swift Playgrounds, which I presume will run on physical devices. However, I noticed that Swift Playgrounds do not yet support Metal shaders directly, so I am now pre-compiling my shaders to load them at runtime instead. Note that all the code below was run either in the terminal or in Xcode. I have already compiled my Metal shaders with: xcrun -sdk iphoneos metal -o -c Shaders.metal xcrun -sdk iphoneos metallib -o Shaders.metallib Which seems to have run without any problems. When I run: let shaderPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "Shaders", ofType: "metallib") let shaderURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: shaderPath!) let shaderData = try! Data(contentsOf: shaderURL) do { let device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()! let library = try shaderData.withUnsafeBytes { bytes -> MTLLibrary? in let dispatchData = DispatchData(bytes: bytes) return try device.makeLibrary(data: dispatchData as __DispatchData) } print(library!.functionNames) } catch { print(error.localizedDescription) } My Metal shader functions are printed correctly in the console. However, based on my research, it seems like a MTLLibrary cannot be converted into a SwiftUI ShaderLibrary. That is why I am now looking at these two initializers: ShaderLibrary(url: URL) ShaderLibrary(data: Data) Which state: Creates a new Metal shader library from the contents of url/data, which must be the contents of precompiled Metal library. Functions compiled from the returned library will only be cached as long as the returned library exists., which I believe should work for my use case. However, the problem arises when I run this code: let shaderPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "Shaders", ofType: "metallib") let shaderURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: shaderPath!) let library = ShaderLibrary(url: shaderURL) My app consistently seems to crash on the ShaderLibrary initialization, rendering the app unusable. Why does ShaderLibrary(url: shaderURL) cause a crash, even though my .metallib file is valid? Are there additional requirements for loading a ShaderLibrary that I may have missed?