I have a location service running with background mode capabilities, and according to apple docs the app will call sceneDidEnterBackground() or applicationDidEnterBackground() if the app was launched in the background due to location event or if the app was suspended and received a location event. I am not witnessing this happening.
These methods are only called when the user moves away from the apps.
I am more concerned with the scenario where the app is suspended and gets move to background due to a location event as that is my only point of connection to execute code.
For an app I am building, I notice that the App privacy report shows that the app has only been using a user's location once in past 7 days but the prompt "app has used your location xx times in the background in the past 3 days." states that my app has been using the user's location 19 times in the past 3 days.
I am in agreement with the App Privacy Report, so I don't understand why the prompt is reporting that I am using so much more. My app only starts reading location data on certain conditions, other wise it does not take any action, and the prompt is giving the false impression that I am using the user's location data a lot more.
Yes I made a issue with Apple through the Feedback Assistant.
Is it possible to use a blank BGTaskRequest just to get the action of the app launching and then do your processing in the main app constructs instead , eg. AppDidFinishLaunching. This way you're not constrained to the tasks time limits set out by Apple. In general, I am confused about the purpose of using the BGTasks if the app will launch and you can start doing what you want in the main code body instead.
I know that if a user force quit the app, the system will not relaunch the app upon a silent notification.
But, the opposite is true if the app is subscribed to location service ("always allow" permissions) and there is a location update. The app will be launched in background even if it is force quit.
So my question is, if user force quit the app, and then it is launched in background due to location updates, will that reopen the door for the app to be launched in background due to silent push notifications. Can location service update be used as a get out of jail card?
If not, will silent push notifications be sent nonetheless when the app is open in background due to a location service event.
What is the expected change in distance that will trigger significant change. In the documentation
it says 500 m or more. can someone provide an upper limit? and what is the average distance.