




Reply to Custom RealityKit occlusion based on Depth map
Ok I figured it out. This depth value is just "z" component of x,y,z coordinates. rest of code: var intrinsics = cameraIntrinsics intrinsics[0][0] /= cameraToDepthRatio intrinsics[1][1] /= cameraToDepthRatio intrinsics[2][0] /= cameraToDepthRatio intrinsics[2][1] /= cameraToDepthRatio let depthMapPixelPoint = pointOnBuffer let xrw = ((Float(depthMapPixelPoint.x) - intrinsics[2][0]) * depth / intrinsics[0][0]) let yrw = (Float(depthMapPixelPoint.y) - intrinsics[2][1]) * depth / intrinsics[1][1] // Y is UP in camera space, vs it being DOWN in image space. let localPoint = simd_float3(xrw, -yrw, -depth) let worldPoint = viewMatrix.inverse * simd_float4(localPoint, 1) let result = simd_float3(worldPoint.x, worldPoint.y, worldPoint.z) let vector = result - cameraPosition let distance = simd_length(vector)
Jun ’23
Reply to Custom RealityKit occlusion based on Depth map
I was experimenting for few days and checking other people solutions but problem with incorrect depth values when iPad is rotated seems to be in every implementation. I collected data representing depth error percentage comparing real depth with depth from depthMap for iPad camera angles from 0 to 30 degrees and there is clear correlation: For 30 degrees error is about 13%. (with confidence == 2) What am I missing here? Any help would be appreciated, thanks:)
Feb ’23