




Fail to Create CGImageMetadata by key "HDRGainMap:HDRGainMapHeadroom"
I am trying to create an empty metadata, and set the HDRGainMapHeadroom at ***. However the final returned mutableMetadata doesn't contain the HDRGainMap:HDRGainMapVersion or HDRGainMap:HDRGainMapHeadroom. But iio:hasXMP exist. why? Is that the reason that the namespace HDRGainMap is private? func createHDRGainMapMetadata(version: Int, headroom: Double) -> CGImageMetadata? { // Create a mutable metadata object let mutableMetadata = CGImageMetadataCreateMutable() // Define the namespace for HDRGainMap let namespace = "HDRGainMap" let xmpKeyPath = "iio:hasXMP" let xmpValue = String(true) // Set the HDRGainMapVersion item let versionKeyPath = "\(namespace):HDRGainMapVersion" let versionValue = String(version) // Set the version value let xmpSetResult = CGImageMetadataSetValueWithPath(mutableMetadata, nil, xmpKeyPath as CFString, xmpValue as CFString) if xmpSetResult == false { print("Failed to set xmp") } // Set the version value let versionSetResult = CGImageMetadataSetValueWithPath(mutableMetadata, nil, versionKeyPath as CFString, versionValue as CFString) if versionSetResult == false { print("Failed to set HDRGainMapVersion") } // Set the HDRGainMapHeadroom item let headroomKeyPath = "\(namespace):HDRGainMapHeadroom" let headroomValue = String(headroom) // Set the headroom value let headroomSetResult = CGImageMetadataSetValueWithPath(mutableMetadata, nil, headroomKeyPath as CFString, headroomValue as CFString) if headroomSetResult == false { print("Failed to set HDRGainMapHeadroom") } return mutableMetadata }
Dec ’24