




Deinitializer won't get called
I'm presenting a view controller inside a UIAction handler from the new UIButton init configuration API. But when I do it, its deinit won't get called. I'm thinking there's some sort of retain cycle? I've tried capturing [weak self] inside the closure with no success. Using the addTarget method instead, the deinit gets called as expected. What am I doing wrong? let testVC = TestViewController() lazy var testButton: UIButton = { var configuration = UIButton.Configuration.filled() //button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(buttonTapped), for: .touchUpInside) let button = UIButton(configuration: configuration, primaryAction: UIAction(handler: { action in self.present(testVC, animated: true, completion: nil) })) return button }()
Mar ’24
Refresh/Reload Views on watchOS with SwiftUI
I have an iOS app with a companion watchOS app. On the main app I set up an auto renewing subscription. By purchasing it you unlock the Apple Watch app. If you are not subscribed, a paywall view is shown in the watch app. If you are, you get to see the whole app. The thing is when a user completes the purchase on the main app, the watchOS view won't update. The Watch Connectivity framework is set up just fine and I get to communicate successfully to/from both devices. But to reflect the new state change, from the purchase made on the phone, I need to close the watch app and open it again. In doing so, the home page opens up and the users will finally get to navigate the app. Is there a way so that upon receiving the message from the Connectivity framework, I get to refresh/reload the view so that the user doesn't have to close the app and open it again? The pseudocode would be: I receive the object from the main app I check that the user has successfully purchased the subscription I reload the app/reload the view so that the user after tapping the app on the watch gets to see the home page with no extra steps. Thank you!
Jul ’23
NSSpellChecker returning an out of bounds range
I was experimenting with NSSpellChecker on a macOS app with Swift and I noticed that when there are no spelling mistakes it returns an out of bounds range, specifically one with a lowerBound equals to the max value of a 64-bit signed integer. Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug on Apple's part? let sentence = "What a beautiful world." let range = NSSpellChecker.shared.checkSpelling(of: sentence, startingAt: 0) // "What a beautiful world." range: {9223372036854775807, 0} // "What a beautiful worldk." range: {17, 6}
Jun ’22
Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Store provisioning profiles
Hi! I created a branch to add push notifications to my iOS app but when I try distributing it with Xcode I get several errors: Profile doesn't support Push Notifications Profile doesn't include the aps-environment entitlement No profiles for 'com.[...].notificationService' were found. Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Store provisioning profiles matching 'com.[...].notificationService' But everything is set up just right! I've never had these kind of issues. I used Firebase to add Push Notifications, following every step to include them (adding capabilities etc). The app works just fine along with notifications and the notifications service extension. Also my certificates are up to date. (Both the Apple Development and Apple Distribution one) I tried deleting all the provisioning profiles here: Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles and then downloading them manually but nothing. Also, in the main branch I noticed the project relies on the provisioning profiles found in the folder above. If I delete them I can't distribute the main branch either with a similar error. And I can't seem to generate them again. What am I doing wrong and what am I missing?
Sep ’21
Getting the Attachment Content from UNNotificationAttachment
Hi! I'm using Firebase to handle push notifications. For each notification received, I create a NotificationItem struct which gets saved to the cache (the app's document folder) in an array of NotificationItems. I also send images through Firebase's Notification Composer and in App Delegate I retrieve them by accessing the attachment like this: if let attachmentURL = notification.request.content.attachments.first.url The url retrieved is like this: file:///var/mobile/Library/UserNotifications/6FA[...]B84E9F7/Attachments/527[...]fc.jpeg Finally, in the table view controller with the list of all the notification items, I'm trying to set the UIImageView's image like this: if let imageURL = notificationItem.attachmentURL { cell.imageView?.image = UIImage(contentsOfFile: imageURL.path) } But when I run it, it's blank and no image gets loaded. My question is: how should I load the file into an UIImage? If I'm not mistaken the act of downloading the image is all handled by Firebase, by using a notification service extension and by populating the notification content with this line of code: FIRMessagingExtensionHelper().populateNotificationContent(bestAttemptContent, withContentHandler: contentHandler). So I'm left with the act of loading the image file into an UIImage.
Aug ’21
Workout App: Foundation Timer vs Timer Publisher
Hi! I was trying to develop a workout app on the Apple Watch by following the sample code Apple provides here - I originally planned to use a standard Foundation Timer object to keep track of time: timer = Timer.scheduledTimer( timeInterval: 1, target: self, selector: #selector(timerAction), userInfo: nil, repeats: true ) but in the sample code they make use of Combine and of a Timer Publisher: start = Date() cancellable = Timer.publish(every: 1, on: .main, in: .default) &#9;&#9;.autoconnect() &#9;&#9;.sink { [weak self] _ in guard let self = self else { return } } It seems to be working both way but there's a problem on pausing the workout. If I use a Foundation Timer and I pause the session it crashes on session.pause with multiple errors of this type: Unable to transition to the desired state from the Paused(4) state (event 3). Allowed transitions from the current state are: {   7 = "<error(7): Paused(4) -> Ended(3)>";   6 = "<end(6): Paused(4) -> Ended(3)>";   5 = "<stop(5): Paused(4) -> Stopped(6)>";   4 = "<resume(4): Paused(4) -> Running(2)>"; } On the other hand, if I use a Timer Publisher like in the sample code given above, everything works just fine. I'm not familiar with Combine so I'm wondering why it's behaving like that. There's no apparent link between the timer object and the session object. Thank you.
Feb ’21
Chaining multiple URLRequests and get next JSON page of results?
Hi! I'm looping over an array of strings and I need to make a URLRequest call on each element (id). For each JSON there could be a href linking to other pages with additional data in it. How can I chain multiple URLRequests? Currently, in parse(data: data), I check to see if the href key is not null and then I call retrievePages(with url: URL) which is similar to retrieveRelease(). It gets messy. Duplicate code. I get somehow the results I want but I don't think it's the best approach at all. How could I get the next page of results? Considering that I'm also inside a loop in retrieveRelease() func retrieveRelease() { dataTask?.cancel() for id in idArray {     idUrl = URL(string: "url+id")! let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: idUrl)    let session = URLSession.shared dataTask = session.dataTask(with: request as URLRequest) { data, response, error in if let error = error as NSError? {           return } else if let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse, httpResponse.statusCode == 200 { if let data = data { self.parse(data: data) DispatchQueue.main.async {         //update views }             return       } } } dataTask?.resume() } } }
Oct ’20
Resuming audio after an interruption when the app is in background
This is what I did: Set AVAudioSession to active and its category to .playback on app launch Registered to observe notifications of type interruptionNotification Added Background Modes in the project settings under Signing &amp; Capabilities When I get an interruption I check under case .ended: if the music was playing before the interruption. If so, I resume the playback, something like this (correct me if I'm wrong): if options.contains(.shouldResume) { if musicWasPlaying { } } This seems to be working fine when the app is in foreground. But, when it's in background and I get an interruption, the audio doesn't resume and I get this error: [aurioc] 1540: AUIOClient_StartIO failed (560557684) error 2 Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=560557684 "(null)" Is there a way to resume the audio in this specific state?
Jul ’20