There are never more than 10 bookmarks active. I‘m also calling stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource. This only happens since macOS 15.
Do you mean that I can't? Can the previous behaviour of having the same NSTextStorage appear in multiple NSTextView not be replicated?
But then I created an empty Xcode project with the "App" template and created a main.swift file again with your code, and when running the built App/Contents/MacOS/app in the Terminal, I get the same error that I mentioned before: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=100001 "EPERM: Operation not permitted". Do I need to add special entitlements in order to make it work?
Hi Quinn, thanks a lot for your help. I created an empty Xcode project with the "Command Line Tool" template, pasted your code, and run the built executable in the Terminal. When passing the pids for all the trustd processes I see in Activity Monitor it always returns the expected path, /usr/libexec/trustd.
How would it be possible to track the code identity with SecCodeCopyDesignatedRequirement? SecRequirement is only defined as a class implementing Hashable, so it cannot be stored and loaded again between app launches.
Isn't there a third possibility: that the code is generated by someone who is not an attacker?
What may be interesting, and what I noticed for the first time, is that after keeping my app open for several hours and noticing all those apparently unsigned processes, it began listing some of those same names, but this time they were correctly signed: trustd, mobileassetd, nsurlsessiond. They all started being listed at the same time at a distance of a few seconds from each other, at 6:06:33 PM today.
And counting: transparencyd, configd, captiveagent, locationd, rtcreportingd, mobileassetd, swcd, diagnosticextensionsd.
Other processes include rapportd, remoted, syspolicyd, timed, networkserviceproxy, nsurlsessiond.
What could be the specific context you're talking about that causes the code to fail?
Hi, sorry for my late answer. It seems that the developer forums started again not sending notifications for replies.
That was indeed a copy-paste error. The original code is identical with the one I posted here except for return nil which really is return url.path. I also noticed another typo: I wrote "have a non-nil path" but of course it should be "have a nil path".
I just checked again on macOS 14 and trustd is still insecure, along with wifivelocityd and fmfd.
Thanks, but what has the backAction got to do with the split view controller? The documentation says that if presentsWithGesture = false there will be no button for changing the display mode.
Thanks, that's it. Since the indeterminate spinning one worked with every size, I assumed that this would be the right way to size the determinate one as well, but using controlSize effectively works for both.
I tried reinstalling Ventura on my external partition from the recovery one and it seemed to prepare the installation just fine, but then it rebooted into my main Ventura partition. Selecting the newly created Ventura partition from the startup disks makes the indeterminate progress indicator spin for a couple seconds, then it disappears again and nothing happens, just like when installing Ventura with the dmg installer. In my case, installing Ventura or Sonoma seems impossible.
Did you just download the Ventura installer and ran it? Because as I wrote in the original post, I wasn't able to install Ventura either.