Ah, I see, my last post isn't public since the code I posted is being moderated *sigh*.BUT, I got it to work with a little hint from this guy (Vincent) in the sub-answers:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59919050/how-can-i-display-touch-bar-buttons-using-swiftui"I needed to open System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts and make sure 'Use keyboard navigation to move focus between controls' is checked."This really seems like it's not the way it should be like, since other Touchbar apps functioned on my machine without having to set this setting, very strange!
Sure, here are the two classes (which are basically 95% vanilla new project):https://pastebin.com/BZZ489yy
Hey Claude,thanks for the reply, I moved the thread, didn't find SwiftUI before.I tried the solution you posted, raw project, as a new Project -> App (SwiftUI)and then just changed the code from the ContentView according to the StackOverflow answer you posted.I actually had something similar, and it doesn't show anything on the touchbar aswell. But the app starts as expected.