I am receiving a 405 when sending a POST request to this endpoint. The documentation is here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/add_a_scheduled_price_change_to_an_app
Can you tell me what method I should be using to add a scheduled price change to an app using this endpoint?
I am trying to use the AppStoreConnect API to set the price of an app. In the documentation (here) it suggests that it is possible to set the price using the API.
"To set a price for your app using App Store Connect API, create a relationship between the apps resource and appPrices"
However it links to the instructions on how to set a price using the AppStoreConnect web site.
Looking at the website it appears that the pricing is being set by sending a PATCH to the app record itself but on the API this results in a 405 (METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED)
Is it possible to set a price using the API, and if so what endpoint should I be sending to?