I appreciate the answers you guys provided, but the original question was "why am I receiving a 405 for this endpoint". Seems that the status code that I am receiving could be erroneous.
I never tried setting availability. Usually I do that through the ASC website. I mainly use the API to track current status of apps in the store (current version, approved/rejected, etc.). It's probably something I will look into but it's not a top priority to be honest.
This didn't work for me, sorry
This is not an answer, it is just repeating what my question said. There are also a few follow up replies that could use some attention.
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll take a look.
The most difficult thing I have hit in this API is the auth, mainly because there is no native (and simple) JWT builder in Swift. Would be nice to have that rolled into CryptoKit.
Second most difficult thing is figuring out how many strings you have to pull to get the one piece of information you need. Maybe when we get to v5 they will clean it up.
That's what I'm seeing in the API, but I need it to be through the API. The interface is now very restricted on how much I can schedule so it makes more sense at this point for me to be able to update pricing on demand and manage the schedule on my own server.
That's what I'm seeing too, but I need a way to do it through the API. But thanks for the feedback