




Reply to Finding the appropriate payment product category
the user needs to pay, either monthly or single time. once the duration is over, if the user needs to improve again then the program can be purchased again else stopped. If it is a monthly payment then it is either an autorenewable subscription or a non-renewing subscription. If it is a single time then it is a non-consumable. But if it is a 'single time' but 'can be purchased again' then it is a consumable.
Aug ’20
Reply to subscription app without IAP or storekit
and i want to create iOS app for that website (webview). An app must be more than a website. If your app is more than this website and one feature of the app is that it takes you to the website....and the 'subscription' is only used on the website, not in the app, then you do not need to use IAP. But if the subscription unlocks code or features within the app then you must use IAP.
Aug ’20
Reply to Do i have to show the price of an in app purchase?
You do not need to show the price. Apple will do that before the user makes a purchase. But if you have multiple IAPs on the store (e.g. 10 widgets, 100 widgets or a 1 month subscription or a 6 month subscription) you might want to. Here is code in Objective C:             [numberFormatter setFormatterBehavior:NSNumberFormatterBehavior10_4];             [numberFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle];             [numberFormatter setLocale:[[response.products objectAtIndex:0] priceLocale]];             UIAlertController *alert =               [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:@"IAP Products" message:@"The following packages are available for purchase.&#9;&#9;&#9;DESCRIBE PACKAGES GENERICALLY&#9;&#9;&#9;\nPlease select a package." preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleAlert];             for(int iCount=0;iCount<[response.products count];iCount++){                 [alert addAction:[UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:[[[response.products objectAtIndex:iCount] localizedDescription] stringByAppendingFormat:@" %@",[numberFormatter stringFromNumber:[[response.products objectAtIndex:iCount] price]]] style:UIAlertActionStyleDefault handler:^(UIAlertAction * action) {                     [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addTransactionObserver:self];                     SKPayment *paymentRequest= [SKPayment paymentWithProduct:[response.products objectAtIndex:iCount]];                     [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addPayment:paymentRequest];                 }]];             }             [alert addAction:[UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:@"Check for recent purchase" style:UIAlertActionStyleDefault handler:^(UIAlertAction * action) {                 [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addTransactionObserver:self];                 [self performSelector:@selector(endIAP) withObject:nil afterDelay:5.0f]; &#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;comment - endIAP uses status to issue an alert&#9;- also in updatedTransactions add a cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:                 self->status=@"no approved purchase";             }]];             [alert addAction:[UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:@"Not now, maybe later" style:UIAlertActionStyleCancel handler:^(UIAlertAction * action) {                 self->status=@"not now";                 [self endIAP]; &#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;comment -&#9;endIAP uses status to issue an alert             }]];             [self presentThisAlert:alert];&#9; &#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;comment - presentThisAlert issues an alert
Aug ’20
Reply to Would Apple take a 30% fee from this model?
Assuming that the decision to retrieve certain stored files is made within the app and further that within the app you select which files to retrieve then you are 'unlocking code' within the app and must use IAP. The fact that you do it by a 'subscription' doesn't matter. You are having the user pay to unlock code within an app - that's IAP.
Aug ’20
Reply to App Store Connect Shared Secret
It would be great to get an opinion from .... an official response from Apple. not possible one this forum. A secret is only needed for autorenewable subscriptions. The secret is only good for validating the receipt so there is little problem with sharing it with your trusted employees. But the secret could be used to hack the receipt validation process so there is a little concern if one of your employees is driven to hack your system.
Aug ’20
Reply to apple developer fee
if i have a free app, in which i sell clothes, or services, or collect monthly payments. how much is the fee that i will have to pay? You pay nothing except $99/year for a developer account i understand that apple charges 30% on paid apps. but how does it work with free apps with in-app purchases? 30% for IAPs what if i am selling a service or a product does apple take a percentage of that? or just the $99/fee yearly? ibid
Aug ’20
Reply to IAP vs Paypal
If the 'digital product' is used within your app you must sell that digital product using IAP. The physical products can be sold using PayPal. If the user desires to purchase the digital product they would be sent to IAP software. If they desire to purchase a physical product they would be sent to PayPal software.
Aug ’20
Reply to 30% fee for on demand coaching?
1) Does virtual coaching with a live person qualify as "physical services"? ie IAP not required. yes it does. (but see below) __ 2) Can users be connected to the provider within the app (through a 3rd party) and not go through Apple's IAP? _ yes (but see below) 3) ..... can the user provide their phone number and we'll call them outside the app? The app then connects user/provider for a promised coaching service and uses 3rd party payment. We would then provide coaching via phone or zoom. _ yes (but see below) BELOW: Apple will most likely approve* the app as you have suggested without requiring IAP because most of the value is from the service being provided by a real person. Were the service 'virtual' - for example a question is asked and the answer is selected from a bunch of prerecorded answers to FAQs - then that would require IAP. That being said, in reality you are selling two things in the app. One is the service itself - no IAP. The second is the cool app that connects you to a great person to answer the question - and that is more appropriately sold through IAP. How much value is in the connection and how much value is in the actual service? You might consider selling 'access to our service provider list' for $0.99 through IAP and then charge a per-hour cost for each actual question/answer session. all IMHO - no one can say what App Review will or will not approve.
Jul ’20
Reply to IAP Rejected - Not sure how to fix
App Review accesses approved and submitted IAPs when they test your app during App Review. Typically an app does an SKProductsRequest and gets a list of all products available on the App Store for that app. If the app has been downloaded from the app Store this SKProductsRequest will only return approved apps. If the app is downloaded from Xcode or by App Review, the SKProductsRequest will show all apps that are approved and that have been submitted for approval. The app then displays the available IAPs and lets the user select which one they want.
Jul ’20