and the log entry is
"time":"12/19/2024, 9:56:24 PM UTC"
Actually the error occurs all the time. All queries are rejected. I am able to fetchRecordWithID: and saveRecord: but when I try a performQuery: it fails the first time with CKErrorServerRejectedRequest. Here is the error.userInfo:
CKDHTTPHeaders = {
"Content-Encoding" = gzip;
"Content-Type" = "application/json; charset=UTF-8";
Date = "Tue, 17 Dec 2024 17:37:34 GMT";
Server = "AppleHttpServer/d2dcc6a0a5e3";
"Strict-Transport-Security" = "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains;";
Via = ",631194250daa17e24277dea86cf30319:c26f48d6a50e4cd190c61a0c95718444:usuyk1";
"access-control-expose-headers" = "X-Apple-Request-UUID,Via";
"retry-after" = 30;
"x-apple-edge-response-time" = 749;
"x-apple-request-uuid" = "C4501E94-1390-4A2D-97BE-765D2EEC6679";
"x-apple-user-partition" = 24;
"x-responding-instance" = "ckdatabaseservice:714813850:prod-p24-ckdatabaseservice-50percent-58f78f985d-w8nqc:8080:2429B399:feb23af4ba8edac43c48e1a1025eba9548907ffd";
CKHTTPStatus = 503;
CKRetryAfter = 30;
ContainerID = "iCloud. [ my CloudKit container here ] ";
NSDebugDescription = "CKInternalErrorDomain: 2000";
NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain=CKInternalErrorDomain Code=2000 "(null)" UserInfo={ContainerID=iCloud. [ my container here ] , CKRetryAfter=30, CKHTTPStatus=503, CKDHTTPHeaders={\n "Content-Encoding" = gzip;\n "Content-Type" = "application/json; charset=UTF-8";\n Date = "Tue, 17 Dec 2024 17:37:34 GMT";\n Server = "AppleHttpServer/d2dcc6a0a5e3";\n "Strict-Transport-Security" = "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains;";\n Via = ",631194250daa17e24277dea86cf30319:c26f48d6a50e4cd190c61a0c95718444:usuyk1";\n "access-control-expose-headers" = "X-Apple-Request-UUID,Via";\n "retry-after" = 30;\n "x-apple-edge-response-time" = 749;\n "x-apple-request-uuid" = "C4501E94-1390-4A2D-97BE-765D2EEC6679";\n "x-apple-user-partition" = 24;\n "x-responding-instance" = "ckdatabaseservice:714813850:prod-p24-ckdatabaseservice-50percent-58f78f985d-w8nqc:8080:2429B399:feb23af4ba8edac43c48e1a1025eba9548907ffd";\n}, RequestUUID=C4501E94-1390-4A2D-97BE-765D2EEC6679, OperationID=3D4D8CAA1CAA2325}";
OperationID = 3D4D8CAA1CAA2325;
RequestUUID = "C4501E94-1390-4A2D-97BE-765D2EEC6679";
On the simulator 17.2 I was getting no call backs from accountStatusWithCompletionHandler: and the Settings app was crashing when I tried to open iCloud. After a few resets of Settings the simulator Settings started working and I could open iCloud. At that point I was getting call backs to accountStatusWithCompletionHandler: and everything was working.
for a work-around. Apple's methods do not reset the badge count on CloudKit.
This is still an issue. If CloudKit increments badge count then even using the 'new' [[UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter] setBadgeCount:0 withCompletionHandler:nil]; doesn't work. And now CKModifyBadgeOperation no longer works.
Again, you have two issues - you are violating the copyright of the original song writer and you are violating the copyrights of you agree you are using the website of you may have agreed to their terms of service which are: Commercial Use: Unless otherwise expressly authorized herein or by Genius' express written consent, you agree not to display, distribute, license, perform, publish, reproduce, duplicate, copy, create derivative works from, modify, sell, resell, exploit, transfer or transmit for any commercial purposes, any portion of the Service, use of the Service, or access to the Service. The Service is for your personal use and may not be used for direct commercial endeavors without the express written consent of Genius.Those terms of service may create a contract between you and So you not only have the copyright issue you also may have a contract law issue.Further, you are welcome to question whether others are violating the copyrights of authors - but that won't get your app approved, will it? And if you look into you may discover that they are respecting the copyrights of others through their copyright policy here: h ttps://, while 'free stuff' allows you to do certain things with the stuff, it does not allow you to do other things - and 'displaying to others' is one of those things that you don't get to do. And even if your app is 'free' it doesn't mean you can ignore your obligations under copyright and trademark law. You may have a path through fair use but it is a narrow path - and Apple seems to think you have strayed from that path.
The following solution (from another forum thread) worked for me:
"you can work around this problem by checking 'Supports Running without iOS App Installation' in the General tab of the WatchKit Extension target."
In Objective C I was able to replace:
NSArray *windows = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] windows];
NSArray *scenes=[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] connectedScenes] allObjects];
NSArray *windows=[[scenes objectAtIndex:0] windows];
I follow that with:
for (UIWindow *window in windows) {
if (window.isKeyWindow) {
foundWindow = window;
UIViewController* parentController = foundWindow.rootViewController;
while( parentController.presentedViewController &&
parentController != parentController.presentedViewController ){
parentController = parentController.presentedViewController;
I was using CloudKit. The app appeared in the Settings app only after the app accessed CloudKit through:
[[CKContainer defaultContainer] accountStatusWithCompletionHandler:^(CKAccountStatus accountStatus, NSError *error) {
That makes sense. Try to use the function that requires some sort of permission suitable for inclusion in the Settings app
My new MacBook Air M2 was struggling with downloading and installing Xcode. The problem, I think, was that the laptop sleeps after a short period of time and that stops the download/install process. Download/install restarts at 80% or 0% when the laptop is reawakened - repeat. A simple way to avoid the laptop from sleeping is to open the Terminal application (Application/Utilities/Terminal) and type "caffeinate". That prevents the laptop from sleeping and lets the download/install process complete itself. When done type control-c into the Terminal and it will quit caffeinate.
I am using TestFlight to test on devices until I pony up for a new Mac. It is far from ideal but it works. No debugging - but you can confirm that things work or not.
It's unclear if this is related but I had similar errors. They were caused by my failure to call invalidateAndCancel on an NSURLSession when the app went into background.
This error does not crash my app - for me it is just a warning.
(edit - It only occurs on the simulator, not a real device.)
It is coming the first time I access a particular website
The website is in the domain:
h ttps://
It does not come the second time I access that website.
It does not come when I access different websites.
Access is through:
				NSURLSession *theConnection=[NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:
[NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration]
delegate:self delegateQueue:nil];
NSMutableURLRequest *theRequest=
									[[NSMutableURLRequest alloc]
									 initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:	 --- website here ----		]];
			 NSURLSessionDataTask *task= [theConnection dataTaskWithRequest:theRequest];
			 [task resume];			
The error comes 0.1 seconds after [task resume] and
0.1 seconds before a resultant call to
URLSession:dataTask:didReceiveData: )
I discovered I could eliminate this error if, after dismissing the MFMailComposeViewController, I added dispatch_async before presenting a mail results UIAlertController:
			[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:^{ //this is the MFMailComposeViewController
									dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
															[self presentViewController:eMailResults animated:YES completion:nil];