1) Does the simulator only allow testing with the exact same iPhone models? I believe it works for all mnodels but the simulator never receives notificaions from Game Center2)Does Game Center allow players of different iOS versions to play together?Yes
I believe that CloudKit does not have access to those files. If so, CloudKitJS won't. You could run an app on an iPhone that would copy files, accessible through a variety of iOS APIs, from photos, etc. to a file in CloudKit and then obtain it through CloudKitJS. You might be able to detect some device settings like 'do not disturb' in an app using iOS APIs and post that information to a file accessible to CloudKitJS.
I think you are asuming things not in evidence. It works on some of your simulators and not on others. Until you show an iPhone 11 connects with the iPhone 11 simulator and not the iPhone 8 simulator you can't conclude any more.Is there anything else 'on' the iPhone 8 simulator that would help it - like in the keychain or in the settings or in a file that the app once wrote on that one simultaor and not on any other? For example, the log in to the Game Center - is it different on the one simulator that works?
Is this still an open question: How does one associated a privacy policy on a URL?You can copy the privacy policy from any other app and write it on that Google Sites website using the Google APIs for Sites.
You can certainly detect in the app that the app is running on an iPad and post a big alert saying 'Get the other app - it works better on an iPad'. Then let the user decide.
Please mark the post above with the correct answer as correct. It states —— Is there anything else 'on' the iPhone 8 simulator that would help it - like in the keychain or in the settings or in a file that the app once wrote on that one simultaor and not on any other? For example, the log in to the Game Center - is it different on the one simulator that works?
There are two types of subscriptions, auto-renewing and non-renewing. Until about four years ago Apple was quite restrictive as to what would qualify to be an auto-renewing subscription. It had to provide episodic content on a period consistent with the renewal period of the auto-renewing subscription - like a magazine with monthly issues or a daily newspaper. About 4 years ago they relaxed that to include data that was constantly updating itself - like stock quotes (that's when I switched from using non-renewing subscriptions to using autorenewable subscriptions). And then about 2 years ago they opened it up even more. But there are still some restrictions on what qualifies as auto-renewing. You seem to have fallen outside of that. You could try to appeal or resubmit hoping for a more flexible reviewer or you could give up and switch to a non-renewing subscription. Non-renewing subscriptions work quite well. (Because you can use CloudKit to handle 'restore' you no longer need a server to manage a non-renewing subscription.)
> Knowing an official response to this can save 100's of hours.Why not proceed with the 'sign in to use Google services' not the 'sign in to authenticate yourself' along with the note to App Review as stated above? That saves you the '100's of hours'. Tell us what the 'official response' is.
If you decode the receipt on the device that received the receipt you do not have to worry about a man-in-the-middle attack since the receipt is signed with the device's IdentifierForVendor.You need to restore the subscription to any other device owned by the same user. Actually, I forgot that receipts now contain the previous non-renewing subscription purchases so they can be used to resore purchases. But your can easily write the subscription to the user's key-value file or the user's userRecord. This has the disadvantage in that it allows the user to create multiple shared iCloud accounts and distribute the subscription. (But the advantage that it does not allow user's to share their App Store account and distribute the subscription that way.) It does not require decoding the receipt. So it depends on how concerned you are about security.I do not know how to associate the user's iCloud account with their App Store account other than to link the two at the time of a purchase. (That is, in a call to updateTransactions with a state of 'purchase' credit the current iCloud account.)
>I just created a Google Sites "site" and have the privacy policy stated on one of the website's pages. I am assuming this will work when submitting my app for review. You obtain a website from Google. That website has the URL "h ttp s://sites.google.com/.....". You then use the Google API to write your privacy policy on that website. You then add that website to the metadata on App Store Connect when you submit your app for approval. You can include a link to that website within your app if you are required to (i.e. certain IAPs require a link to your privacy policy).
I am uncertain as to why you need to call more than one url - the one with the base 64 string attached. But perhaps you can do what you want withopenURL:options:completionHandler:https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiapplication/1648685-openurl?language=objc
App Review had to do something with your IAPs. Rather than reject the IAP, App Review made them 'developer action needed'. All you need to do is open the metadata for each IAP, add a word, save it, reopen the metadata again, remove that word and save it again. The 'developer action needed' will disappear.
Kindle is using the 'reader app' guideline 3.1.3(a). Will that work for you?
>create 47 promo codes in apple and then offer any user who entered a valid code they would get the first month 50% off.This is easily done with an autorenewable subscription that includes what apple calls an introductory offer that could be 50% off the first month.https://developer.apple.com/documentation/storekit/in-app_purchase/subscriptions_and_offers/implementing_introductory_offers_in_your_app?language=objcYour app would ask the user for their code and then offer them the ability to purchase the IAP product that includes that introductory offer rather than one that does not include that introductory offer. Your problem is 3.1.1: "....Apps may not use their own mechanisms to unlock content or functionality, such as license keys, augmented reality markers, QR codes, etc...."And you are, in fact, offering a financial incentive to use that QR code - the ability to purchase the IAP with the introductory offer. But not really - since you are just enabling the purchase of an autorenewable subscription. The key will be to convince Apple that you are not charging for that QR code but rather giving it away for free and using it to identify the market source of the user. It might pass App Review. It would be better if you did not require the user to have the QR code but just offered them a drop down list of markets and require them to select their market before proceeding to make the IAP purchase. One option could be 'none of the above' and that would still allow them to purchase the IAP with the introductory offer. That would pass App Review. You might suggest that they will get special content suitable only for their selected market as an incentive to select their market; or rely on most users to voluntarily give you the infromation you want.
> Feature 1: Text messaging with a doctor on call: in order to use this, the user has to pay a fixed fee and timed usage. The doctor is actual person on the other side, but in order to talk to them, the user does have to unlock the code.> Do I have to use IAP for Feature 1? I'm concerned since it does require payment to unlock code, but this enables access to non digital services. If yes, does this mean I will have to pay the 30% commission?It's not clear what 'unlock code' means. You want some way of charging the user. You are in a grey area where some of what you are charging for is 'unlocking code within the app' (and must be paid for using IAP) but mostly what you are charging for is the time of the doctor on call. One way of handling that is to offer a one time upgade in the app that allows the user access to text messaging and then charge per text message. The upgrade would unlock the code that allows text messaging through the app and would (aka must) be sold through an IAP. The per text message would be charged not through IAP but through a credit card - like Apple Pay. You could try doing it without the IAP upgrade and hope App Review did not object. Or you could do it all through IAP. > If I do not have to use IAP, can I use Apple Pay? Do I still have to pay the 30% commission?If you use IAP you pay 30%. If you use Apple Pay or another credit card system you pay a small percentage not the 30%.> Are there apps out there that use IAP + 3rd party payment processor or Apple Pay + 3rd party payment processor?Yes. IAP is a different system used for a different purpose - unlocking features within the app. Apple Pay and 3rd party payment processors are for goods and services used outside the app. It used to be that goods and services used inside the app (what you are doing) could not use IAP but that requirement seems to have been relaxed.