I'm struggling a little with the Shader Graph in Reality Composer Pro. Doing something simple like linearly interpolating between two colors has me searching through nodes without any luck. Is there a node comparable to the lerp node in Unity? And if so, what is it called?
I'm trying to create a water shader using the shader graph in Reality Composer Pro, but quite a few of the features you would need for realistic water rendering appear to be missing.
One big issue is the lack of a way to create refraction. We can easily control the transparency of the water by changing the opacity, but how can we distort what we see through the water? I can't find any obvious solution for that.
In Unity, they provide a node called HD Scene Color which is basically the scene rendered to an offscreen buffer which you can apply to the water and then distort to get a refraction effect. I guess the Background Blur node could be used for something like this if we could turn off the blur and distort it, but there's no control for the blur and no control for the texture coordinates.
Am I missing something? Any ideas are welcome :)
Looking at the documentation for screenSpaceAmbientOcclusionIntensity, I noticed that it says this is supported on visionOS 1.0+: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scncamera/screenspaceambientocclusionintensity
Could someone enlighten me as to how that would work? As far as I know, we don't use an SCNCamera on visionOS. So, what's the idea here? Can we activate SSAO on visionOS?