




Changing Cursor Image
I am making a SpriteKit game and I am trying to change the cursor image from the default pointer to a png image that I have imported into the project, but it’s not really working. when I run the project I can see the cursor image change for a brief second and then return to the default image. Here is my code: print(NSCursor.current) if let image = NSImage(named: customImage) {      print("The image exists")      cursor = NSCursor(image: image, hotSpot: .zero)      cursor.push()      print(cursor) } print(NSCursor.current) The above code is all contained in the didMove(:) function in GameScene. From the print statements I can see that the memory address of the NSCursor.current changes to that of cursor. HOWEVER, in the mouseMoved(:) call back function I print out the mouse location and the current cursor. I can see from these print stamens that the cursor memory address has again changed and no longer matches the custom cursor address… so I am not sure what is going on… Also, fyi the cursor is a global property within game scene so it should persist. Also, image is not nil. This is verified by the print statements I see Thanks
Dec ’24