




[ERROR] Could not create a bookmark: NSError: Cocoa 4097 "connection to service named" when using PhotosPicker
Hi I am using PhotosPicker and SwiftData with iOS17.0. I released my own app using codes of two above. No problem came up right until I upgraded my iphone to iOS 18.0 17th of September 24. A single post pokes the similar problem. SwiftData and PhotosPikcer. He or She said it was about SwiftData Model Insert something. But, I was able to use other methods that use SwiftData, so insert Model setup isn't my problem. But when tapping a photo to get a photo from PhotosPicker makes the ui goes down, and navigate back. Weird. iIt doesnt crash but when I tap a photo, the debug message [ERROR] Could not create a bookmark: NSError: Cocoa 4097 "connection to service named" comes up and the view navigates back. The selecting a photo itself doesnt include any SwiftData related methods, it only does loadTransferable thing and shows the photo on the screen. I cannot understand it. it only happened when I upgraded to iOS 18.0. AND Then i debugged the prob with Xcode 16.0 nothing but the unexpected message appears and not many posts are up here or google. Can you help me? Things I tried: Check any use of the PhotosPickerItem anywhere else. -> No where. Use try await loadTransferable Changed the form of initiating PhotosPikcer View Debugging every line -> Nothing appeared. PhotosPicker(selection: $currentImage, matching: .images, photoLibrary: .shared()) { Text("") } .frame(height: 360) .photosPickerStyle(.inline) .photosPickerAccessoryVisibility(.hidden, edges: .bottom) .photosPickerDisabledCapabilities(.selectionActions) .onChange(of: currentImage) { _, newImage in // SomeLogic } .ignoresSafeArea(edges: .bottom) .transition(.move(edge: .bottom).combined(with: .opacity))
Sep ’24
Blurry and low resolution of PKCanvasView, as overlayview from PDFView.
Hi, I am trying to make a simple note taking app that users can draw something on pdfview with apple pencil. (I used PDFKit, PencilKit for the code.) I followed the instruction code of WWDC22's "What's new in PDFKit." - "overlayProvider" (so you can see the code at the video.) I was able to draw something each view of pdf page. But the issue was, the resolution of overlayview or subview of pdfview is low. As far as I know, the pkcanvasview draws vertor-based drawings. So I never thought the image or the lines I draw will be that blurry. Is this buggy or is this the normal thing? (+ I added a uibutton as subview of pdfview and the button also looks blurry.) I even tried to scale up the all the subviews when the subviews' layout is done, using contentScaleFactor. PKCanvasView inherits UIScrollView, so I enlarged the frame of pkcanvas view and fixed the scale to below 1.0. If the pkcanvasview looks blurry and that is because somewhat zoomed in wrong way, zooming out should be the solution. But, didn't work. Still blurry. and any other stuff like changing frame or size. So, anyone having same problem with me, or anyone can give me any solution. Please help me. I wish this is bug thing that can be fixed in any moment. -> This image is little bit zoomed in. but the drawing is blurry. and this is the normal pkcanvasview drawing, just subview of view(of VC).
Mar ’24
Real Bluetooth Range(Distance) from watch to watch ?
Hi, I'm trying to make a watch app that transfer data watch to watch(or iOS). (Not for backup) So, I looked up for core bluetooth feature. It was a nice and kind document. However, I bumped in to a problem that might cause a severe flaw in my project, which is.. the distance (range) that the apple watch can reach to another one. I googled it and found out 33 feet would be the limit range of bluetooth 4.0 (or 5.0 whatever). BUT, when I google just "bluetooth 4.0 and 5.0 range", the range was way over the distance mentioned, like 10 times way further. Some say up to 100m (330 feet), other say 60m (200feet). So If is there anyone who tested the real range of bluetooth working via watch to watch?? Well.. thank you for reading my post, and I hope anyone can answer me! :)
Sep ’22