I was able to solve the "self-update" problem with Quinn's advice regarding codesigning with designated requirements.
AssociatedBundleIdentifiers still doesn't work as documented, so I have opened a feedback ticket: FB16563823.
Thanks for the help Quinn!
Thank you for taking a look!
I think we do stable code-signing, although I need to check. Might be the solution after all
As for AssociatedBundleIdentifiers I will file a bug soonish.
Dear Quinn (or any other DTS engineer), do you have any guidance for me?
I was able to work around the issue, but it might not work for SwiftUI exclusive apps. My application is a mix of SwiftUI and AppKit, so I could build an NSWindow having my SwiftUI views as NSHostingView.
Also window.makeKeyAndOrderFront(nil) was necessary to show the window at application start.
Lets try to summon Quinn, he will know what to do :)
I have the same issue on Sequoia. If I try to invoke the app via command line, the main window does not open automatically anymore. If I click the dock icon, the window appears. I tried everything, playing with appDelegate and different SwiftUI techniques, but nothing seem to help. I suspect this is a SwiftUI regression.
Thank you for the quick answer, I will try to setup the profiles then.
I have the same issue:
I requested an Endpoint Security entitlement back in December. I got a developer entitlement fairly quickly, within 2 weeks.
I requested a production entitlement on the 1st of May (2023), as I would like to go to market with my application. I got a confirmation email, that they have received my request, complete silence since. I have requested two more times since, but I guess there can be only one pending request as I didn't even receive confirmation emails anymore.
This is a bit annoying, as I don't think that Apple have to deal with a ton of System Extension requests. If so, 3 months should be enough. Why do I pay membership after all?
I've been thinking to burn one of my TSIs to ping them.
Is there anything we could do to speed up the process? Hopefully Quinn will notice this thread and present a solution.