




ITMS-90899 : how to select macOS 12.4 or macOS 12.5 when submitting iOS app
I received this message when submitting my app : ITMS-90899: Apple silicon Mac support issue - The app is not compatible with the provided minimum macOS version of 12.4. It can run on macOS 13.0 or later. Please specify an LSMinimumSystemVersion value of 13.0 or later in a new build, or select a compatible version in App Store Connect. There is now possibility to select macOS 12.5, 12.5 or even 13 with xCode 13.4.1 and on Apple Store Connect The app is running correctly on macOS 12.5.1 (but even this version is not selectable) Can someone help me understand.
Aug ’22
App use system language for location authorization dialog
On IOS there is 2 ways to select app language : settings-general -language settings - your app - language if an app require authorisation for localisation like requestWhenInUseAuthorization , the displayed text is always in the language specified by the general language setting. Setting the required string in InfoPlist.strings is not enough and there may be a problem in iOS : once can check this with the Apple official Weather App installed by default on iPhone. How to reproduce : Set your device (general-language) in English. set WeatherApp( settings-weather-language) in French. set weatherApp Location to ask next time. start weather app it will ask for permission with a message in English while all other part of app are in French. I tested with other languages and it is still the same. This may finish in Apple refuse an app in AppStore review process with that « user may expect to have authorisation dialog in the language they choose for the app», but there is nothing that can be done as even Apple Software as the same problem. Have you any workaround like preventing to change app language to something different than system language ? I have already filled a Feedback.
May ’22