




Proper initialization - views, dependencies, laoder and viewcontroller
So i am pretty new to Xcode, but i have been using Python and other language for some while. But I am quite new to the game of view and view control. So it may be that i have over complicated this a bit - and it may be that I have some wrong understanding of the dependencies and appcontroller (that i thought would be a good idea). So here we have a main file we call it app.swift, we have a startupmanager.swift, a appcoordinator and a dependeciescontainer. But it may be that this is either a overkill - or that I am doing it wrong. So my thought was that i had a dependeciecontainer, a appcoordinator for the views and a startupmanager that controll the initialized fetching. I have controlled the memory when i run it - checking if it is higher, lower eg - but it was first when i did my 2 days profile i saw a lot of new errors, like this: Fikser(7291,0x204e516c0) malloc: xzm: failed to initialize deferred reclamation buffer (46). and i also get macro errors, probably from the @Query in my feedview. So my thought was that a depencecie manager and a startupmanager was a good idea together with a app coordinator. But maybe I am wrong - maybe this is not a good idea? Or maybe I am doing some things twice? I have added a lot of prints and debugs for checking. But it seems that it starts off to heavy? import SwiftUI import Combine @MainActor class AppCoordinator: ObservableObject { @Published var isLoggedIn: Bool = false private var authManager: AuthenticationManager = .shared private var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>() private let startupManager: StartupManager private let container: DependencyContainer @Published var path = NavigationPath() enum Screen: Hashable, Identifiable { case profile case activeJobs case offers case message var id: Self { self } } init(container: DependencyContainer) { self.container = container self.startupManager = container.makeStartupManager() setupObserving() startupManager.start() print("AppCoordinator initialized!") } private func setupObserving() { authManager.$isAuthenticated .receive(on: RunLoop.main) .sink { [weak self] isAuthenticated in self?.isLoggedIn = isAuthenticated } .store(in: &cancellables) } func userDidLogout() { authManager.logout() path.removeLast(path.count) } func showProfile() { path.append(Screen.profile) } func showActiveJobs() { path.append(Screen.activeJobs) } func showOffers() { path.append(Screen.offers) } func showMessage() { path.append(Screen.message) } @ViewBuilder func viewForDestination(_ destination: Screen) -> some View { switch destination { case .profile: ProfileView() case .activeJobs: ActiveJobsView() case .offers: OffersView() case .message: ChatView() } } @ViewBuilder func viewForJob(_ job: Job) -> some View { PostDetailView( job: job, jobUserDetailsRepository: container.makeJobUserDetailsRepository() ) } @ViewBuilder func viewForProfileSubview(_ destination: ProfileView.ProfileSubviews) -> some View { switch destination{ case .personalSettings: PersonalSettingView() case .historicData: HistoricDataView() case .transactions: TransactionView() case .helpCenter: HelpcenterView() case .helpContract: HelpContractView() } } enum HomeBarDestinations: Hashable, Identifiable { case postJob case jobPosting var id: Self { self } } @ViewBuilder func viewForHomeBar(_ destination: HomeBarView.HomeBarDestinations) -> some View { switch destination { case .postJob: PostJobView() } } } import Apollo import FikserAPI import SwiftData class DependencyContainer { static var shared: DependencyContainer! private let modelContainer: ModelContainer static func initialize(with modelContainer: ModelContainer) { shared = DependencyContainer(modelContainer: modelContainer) } private init(modelContainer: ModelContainer) { self.modelContainer = modelContainer print("DependencyContainer being initialized at ") } @MainActor private lazy var userData: UserData = { return UserData(apollo: Network.shared.apollo) }() @MainActor private lazy var userDetailsRepository: UserDetailsRepository = { return UserDetailsRepository(userData: makeUserData()) }() @MainActor private lazy var jobData: JobData = { return JobData(apollo: Network.shared.apollo) }() @MainActor private lazy var jobRepository: JobRepository = { return JobRepository(jobData: makeJobData(), modelContainer: modelContainer) }() @MainActor func makeUserData() -> UserData { return userData } @MainActor func makeUserDetailsRepository() -> UserDetailsRepository { return userDetailsRepository } @MainActor func makeStartupManager() -> StartupManager { return StartupManager( userDetailsRepository: makeUserDetailsRepository(), jobRepository: makeJobRepository(), authManager: AuthenticationManager.shared, lastUpdateRepository: makeLastUpdateRepository() ) } @MainActor func makeJobData() -> JobData { return jobData } @MainActor func makeJobRepository() -> any JobRepositoryProtocol { return jobRepository } @MainActor private lazy var jobUserData: JobUserData = { return JobUserData(apollo: Network.shared.apollo) }() @MainActor private lazy var jobUserDetailsRepository: JobUserDetailsRepository = { return JobUserDetailsRepository(jobUserData: makeJobUserData()) }() @MainActor func makeJobUserData() -> JobUserData { return jobUserData } @MainActor func makeJobUserDetailsRepository() -> JobUserDetailsRepository { return jobUserDetailsRepository } @MainActor private lazy var lastUpdateData: LastUpdateData = { return LastUpdateData(apollo: Network.shared.apollo) }() @MainActor private lazy var lastUpdateRepository: LastUpdateRepository = { return LastUpdateRepository(lastUpdateData: makeLastUpdateData()) }() @MainActor func makeLastUpdateData() -> LastUpdateData { return lastUpdateData } @MainActor func makeLastUpdateRepository() -> LastUpdateRepository { return lastUpdateRepository } }```
Problems with macro - probably after update
yesterday my Xcode app worked, I upgraded my Xcode and simulator today, but now i suddenly get: error: the replacement path doesn't exist: "/var/folders/61/cs5w33tx7m92yq6t55h9w7k00000gn/T/swift-generated-sources/@__swiftmacro_6Fikser8FeedViewV4jobs33_842833018C1C855C625C2C0F4D027584LL5QueryfMa_.swift" error: the replacement path doesn't exist: "/var/folders/61/cs5w33tx7m92yq6t55h9w7k00000gn/T/swift-generated-sources/@__swiftmacro_6Fikser8FeedViewV4jobs33_842833018C1C855C625C2C0F4D027584LL5QueryfMa_.swift" error: the replacement path doesn't exist: "/var/folders/61/cs5w33tx7m92yq6t55h9w7k00000gn/T/swift-generated-sources/@__swiftmacro_6Fikser4UserC8username18_PersistedPropertyfMa_.swift" error: the replacement path doesn't exist: "/var/folders/61/cs5w33tx7m92yq6t55h9w7k00000gn/T/swift-generated-sources/@__swiftmacro_6Fikser4UserC8username18_PersistedPropertyfMa_.swift" error: the replacement path doesn't exist: "/var/folders/61/cs5w33tx7m92yq6t55h9w7k00000gn/T/swift-generated-sources/@__swiftmacro_6Fikser4UserC8username18_PersistedPropertyfMa_.swift" and i also get this: objc[11474]: Class AKBiometricRatchetUtility is implemented in both /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_22C150/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 18.2.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKitUI.framework/AuthKitUI (0x12ff2d898) and /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_22C150/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 18.2.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKit.framework/AuthKit (0x114a0b1f0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. ``` can it be that they are some how relatet? Or what else can it be? I have tried to delete derrieved data, clean folder eg.
Fetching strategies - best practice? ETag, last modified - fetch all?
I am developing an Xcode app with a job feed, with profile view, with chat eg. I fetch using federatet queries to my microservices thru Apollo Router. Infront of the Apollo Router i Have a Kong that adds a X user ID, that the microservices use for personalized feed and other user info. The info is stored with SwiftData. My thought is that i should add a better way of controlling when i need to fetch. I have a “lastupdateAPI” with different entities (profile, profile picture eg). So when nothing has changed we do not fetch. But rather then using a own API for this, isnt ETag better? Or is it any other recommendations with Xcode Swiftui. Good strategies for not fetching what i already have?
Fetching strategies - Do not fetch redundant data. ETags, Lastmodified, own API? Recommendations, practice?
I am developing an Xcode app with a job feed, with profile view, with chat eg. I fetch using federatet queries to my microservices thru Apollo Router. Infront of the Apollo Router i Have a Kong that adds a X user ID, that the microservices use for personalized feed and other user info. The info is stored with SwiftData. My thought is that i should add a better way of controlling when i need to fetch. I have a “lastupdateAPI” with different entities (profile, profile picture eg). So when nothing has changed we do not fetch. But rather then using a own API for this, isnt ETag better? Or is it any other recommendations with Xcode Swiftui. Good strategies for not fetching what i already have?
Migrate RN to Swift. Oauth2 PKCE
I working on a app, both a wep-app, the prototype of the webapp is ready and i started don my IOS MVP for a couple of weeks ago. Since the SPA is written in ViteJs it was «easy» to think that RN was a good way of making the MVP. Since I just started its not so «hard» to change, and now I am wondering about doing that. After I upgraded from 0.75 to 0.76 problems is knocking on my door all the time, and my time is used for making Metro eg. run, rather then develop the app. I have a Oauth2 PKCE server running and over time other known Oauth2 providers will be implemented: google, apple eg. So since I am looking for other ways to develop it Swift came up. How is Oauth PKCE with Swift? Is it some libraries that is recommended to use is it any well known problems with Swift and PKCE? KR
Oct ’24