




Issue with Siri Not Displaying Prompt in App Intent
Hello everyone, I'm currently working on an App Intent for my iOS app, and I’ve encountered a frustrating issue related to how Siri prompts for a category selection. Here’s an overview of what I’m dealing with: extension Category: AppEntity, @unchecked Sendable { var displayRepresentation: DisplayRepresentation { DisplayRepresentation(title: "\(name)") } static var typeDisplayRepresentation = TypeDisplayRepresentation(name: "Category") typealias DefaultQueryType = ShortcutsCategoryQuery static var defaultQuery: ShortcutsCategoryQuery = ShortcutsCategoryQuery() } struct ShortcutsCategoryQuery: EntityQuery { func entities(for identifiers: [String]) async throws -> [Category] { let context = await ModelContext(sharedModelContainer) let categories = try CategoryDataProvider(context: context).getItems() return categories.filter { identifiers.contains($ } } func entities(matching string: String) async throws -> [Category] { return try await suggestedEntities() } func suggestedEntities() async throws -> [Category] { let context = await ModelContext(sharedModelContainer) do { let categories = try CategoryDataProvider(context: context).getItems() if categories.isEmpty { print("No categories found.") } return { category in Category( id:, name:, stringSymbol: category.stringSymbol, symbol: category.symbol, stringColor: category.stringColor, color: category.color ) } } catch { print(error) return [] } } } The issue arises when I use Siri to invoke the intent. Siri correctly asks me to select a category but does not display any options unless I said something that Siri recognized, like "Casa(House) or *****(Test)" in portuguese. Only then does it show the list of available categories. I would like the categories to appear immediately when Siri asks for a selection. I've already tried refining the ShortcutsCategoryQuery and debugging various parts of my code, but nothing seems to fix this behavior.
Nov ’24