




Non-sendable type AVMediaSelectionGroup
Hi all, we try migrate project to Swift 6 Project use AVPlayer in MainActor Selection audio and subtitiles not work Task { @MainActor in let group = try await item.asset.loadMediaSelectionGroup(for: get error: Non-sendable type 'AVMediaSelectionGroup?' returned by implicitly asynchronous call to nonisolated function cannot cross actor boundary and second example `if #available(iOS 15.0, *) { player?.currentItem?.asset.loadMediaSelectionGroup(for:, completionHandler: { group, error in if error != nil { return } if let groupWrp = group { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.setupAudio(groupWrp, audio: audioLang) } } }) }` get error: Sending 'groupWrp' risks causing data races
Jan ’25
Stopped playing hls+fairplay, but was played yesterday
device iPhone 13 Pro max AVPlayer recieve error #Version: 1.0 #Software: AppleCoreMedia/ (iPhone; U; CPU OS 17_4_1 like Mac OS X; en_us) #Date: 2024/06/11 14:06:18.018 CoreMediaErrorDomain error -42716 On system log we see propertyKey:IsLeaseExpired стандартное 14:38:28.008912+0300 mediaplaybackd <<<< FigCPECryptorPKD >>>> FigPKDCPECryptorSetKeyRequestResponse: 0xcc4160140 612C5D12-F92F-4897-B55D-854F842B41B4 keyResponseOptions:[] keyRequestResponse:0xcc5759d70 err:-42716 стандартное 14:38:28.009052+0300 mediaplaybackd keyboss ckb_transitionRequestToTerminalState: 0xcc5440380 <private> reqFin err <private> (-42716) dokeyCallbacksExist 0 стандартное 14:38:28.009138+0300 mediaplaybackd keyboss ckb_customURLReadCallback: 0xcc5440380 <private> customURLReqID 8 isComplete 1 err 0 error <private> (0) dokeyCallbacksExist 0 стандартное 14:38:28.009169+0300 mediaplaybackd <<<< FigPKDKeyManager >>>> keyManager_copyPropertyForEntryInternal: 0xcc546b280 6143FF61-5E6F-4506-A17D-4DB6B6BA0C5B propertyKey:IsLeaseExpired propertyValue: 0x16e5b17a0 стандартное 14:38:28.009196+0300 mediaplaybackd <<<< FigPKDKeyManager >>>> PKDKeyManagerSetKeyRequestError: keyManager:0xcc546b280 keyID:6143FF61-5E6F-4506-A17D-4DB6B6BA0C5B error:<private> (-19160) err:0 on server leaseDuration always is 0 But we have another device iPhone 15 Pro max, iOS 17.5.1 and he played correctly with the same crypt key from server
Jun ’24
Offline Fairplay not load persistent key data before download metadata
Hi, we have hls+fps stream, on our app implementation through AVAssetResourceLoader (get spc, generate ckc correctly) and stream played successfully But when we try to download stream for offline, through session.processContentKeyRequest for contentId, we get spc, generate ckc the same as previously, but can't recieve persistent key data keyRequest.persistableContentKey PKD failed Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11835 "Cannot Open" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=This content is not authorized., NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot Open, NSUnderlyingError=0x282da98f0 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-42668 "(null)"}} Server and client the same, fps stream played, but not load pkd for offline All offline part of sources we get from HLS Catalog example, and implement requestCertificate and requestContentKeyFromKeySecurityModule, and i don't understand why we not recieve pkd.
Jul ’23