




CallDirectoryExtention - How to remove a phone number entry that has already been added if a specific value is retrieved.
The App has the ability to use WebKit and display web pages and the ability to add phone numbers to CallDirectory at specific timing. In this App, when the App is launched or when the Add Contact button on the web page is pressed, CallDirectoryExtention is reloaded from the host app (WebKit-viewController), the phone number is retrieved from the server, and the entry is updated. I would like to add a process to remove the already added phone number entry when a specific value is retrieved from the application server. The specific process we wish to implement is as follows. Step 1: Use URLsession to retrieve values from the application server. (ViewController) Step 2: If the value is a specific value, call a Function that deletes the CallDirectoryExtention entry. (ViewController) Step 3: Delete all entries for the registered phone numbers.
 However, I am aware that I have to use reloadExtension() to call the CallDirectoryExtention process from ViewController on Step2. if I do so, CallDirectoryHandler.beginRequest() will be processed, and I am wondering if it is not possible to execute only the Function that deletes the entry. Is there a way to run only the Function that deletes the CallDirectoryExtention entry from the host app(viewController)?
Feb ’25
CallKit - CallDirectory extension - Added data by addIdentificationEntry
The app I'm making uses the CallDirectory extension to identify callers. Where is the contact data added by "func addIdentificationEntry" in "CallDirectory Extension" stored? The app calls "CXCallDirectoryManager.sharedInstance.reloadExtension" and adds contact data by processing "CXCallDirectoryExtensionContext.addIdentificationEntry" written in "func beginRequest" of "CallDirectory Extension". I thought that if I uninstalled the app, I would lose the contact data that added by App. However, when I uninstalled the app and reinstalled it, it seemed to retain contact data that added by App before I uninstalled the app, even though the app hasn't added any contact data yet. Will the contact data added to the "CallDirectory Extension" be retained on iPhone even after uninstalling the app? ---Note--- I found a similar post on the forum about contact data added by addIdentificationEntry. ・CallKit - addIdentificationEntry is it secure? [] Answer of this post that "the added data is cached in a SQLite database", but I couldn't find any official Apple documentation on this, so I'm not sure if this is correct. If contact data is cached in SQLite, will that data remain on the iPhone when uninstalled and not deleted? ●Development environment Mac OS Sonoma 14.7.1 Xcode 16.0 Swift ●Test Device iPhoneSE3 iOS:17.6.1
Jan ’25