Hi guys,
is there a way of checking if app is notarized from app audit token or SecCode/SecStaticCode. In a firewall app I need to check if app is notarized.
I'm able to detect if app comes from Apple or other developer, source of the app - macOS System, App Store, Developer, but I need to quickly check if app that comes from Developer is Notarized - it shouldn't take more than a few milliseconds, ideally less than 1ms.
From terminal I tried spctl to see if app is Notatized, but that takes 5 - 7 seconds to get the result.
Is there any interface in SystemSecurity or other framework get this info?
Hi everyone,
Is it possible to setup Filter configuration in a way that all users can see it in System Preferences -> Network and with correct status (running/not running, that is filtering or not filtering)?
When I configure firewall under one user account by setting up System Extension with Network Content Filter, I can see a new item in System Preferences -> Network, where I can also stop and start firewall filtering. When I restart the machine and log in under another user, filtering is still in effect, but this second user cannot see the filter in System Preferences -> Network. In our App it means that we are also unable to get proper filtering state after calling NEFilterManager.shared().loadFromPreferences.
I tried to call NEFilterManager.shared().saveToPreferences from System Extension, but I'm getting an error, probably because that runs under root and there is no macOS popup that could ask user to "Allow" filtering.
How can I handle this multi-user scenario?
When one user configures firewall filtering, the other user should be able to see firewall status, especially if it's filtering data.
I guess it would be fine if filtering worked for users separately, although it would pose a security risk for the machine, because one user would use strict rules, another relaxed rules. In that case we would have to enforce certain rules by the app.
But filtering works as expected, so when one user configures firewall (usually admin - IT support in corporate world), it filters network by the same rules for all users. It's just that other users see firewall as disabled.
Is there a way to call NEFilterManager.shared().saveToPreferences or setup NEFilterProviderConfiguration() in a way that all users see the Filter in System Preferences -> Network and app shows correct firewall status?
Hi guys,
since forums changes in Apple Developer portal, I don't know how to navigate it. There used to be sections, like UI, Core, Network Extensions, etc.
Is it possible to find those categories somewhere?
Hi guys,I have a firewall project, where I used SimpleFirewall as a template. I created the project from scratch and the firewall works, but during configuration of network filter, macOS shows popup"(null) Would Like to Filter Network Content"In SimpleFirewallSample this message shows"SimpleFirewall Would Like to Filter Network Content"Obviously name of the app is missing. I've done the following:* checked entitlements - setup correctly* nothing missing in Info.plist (Bundle Name, Bundle Dispaly Name, etc), filterManager.localizeDescription is set.* I went through dozens if not hundreds of build settings* I changed window title in the MainMenu.xib to precisely match App bundle name* I tried to set up filter configuration from App bundle instead of common framework I use (I thought perhaps NEFilterProviderConfiguration constructor or saveToPreferences() function perhaps checks which bundle calls it and then system checks code signing).* Tried localization for Base and EN* I verified that Filter config in System Preferences in Network uses name of our app and I checked that if I change filterManager.localizedDescription, it correctly changes in those system settings.* you name it - I have done itThe only clue I found in sysem log is this messagedefault15:22:56.895864+0200MyAppSaving configuration MyApp with existing signature (null)The only difference is that I implemented most of the firewall functionality in a framework, so that it could be reused and app bundle links to this framework. Currently I link against this framework from app bundle and system extension using "Embed & Sign". I cannot use other options, because in that case app cannot communicate with extension. Anyway I created clone of Apple's SimpleFirewall and modified it to use common framework with precise settings as in our project and that works correctly.Nothing appears to be working and I cannot get rid of "(nul)" in the popup message in our project.Does anybody know how from which source macOS popup loads this value?Thanks.Robert
Hi guys,I'm working on system extension and I was using SimpleFirewall Apple sample. That firewall was working, but then I tried to create another framework which would be used by system extension target and the UI target. When starting the app UI window showed up, but without Start/Stop button. Spinner was shown instead. Sample app usually does that when firewall config is enabled and it tries to resume. It didn'tdo anything so I closed the app or stopped it from Xcode. Then I found I'm completely cut off from the network.Then I deleted the app in Debug folder and another older copy in Applications, which asked for admin credentials, because it was hopsting system extension. I was hoping this would remove/disable system exension and therefore firewall filtering.I was however only using filtering on port 80 - HTTP connections, but nothing else. Not sure why entire network went down. I think system extension after rebuilding somehow invalidated system extension and it could not do the handle flow, so entire netwrok traffic froze.Unfortunatelly it didn't help and after rebooting the machine it was unable to connect to the network, possibly because system extension with blocked sample firewall filtering is still active. However macOS requires connection to the network, because needs "Critical update". Of course I had this machine completely upto date. I think macOS might be trying to validate that the machine is not stolen or something so it simply doesn't activate and requires to connect to Apple servers, which with firewall filtering in system extension in some corrupted state is not possible.I tried to run the machine without netwrok, but it does not allow it and I can only shut down the machine or setup network again.I was trying to use systemextensionctl reset from terminal in recovery mode, but that is not available.My machine is currently completely unusable.I really need some help from guy who knows how to fix it, not some customer relations rep, who is going to walk me through basics or online resources.I haven't done backup for a week or 2, because it takes hours, so I don't do it on daily basis.Does anyone know how to recover my machine?Thanks.